Must have Oils & Butters...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2012
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I've read threads that different people have said that they like to save their more exotic butters & oils for leave-on products. I wondered what others consider 'must haves' in their basic soaps? I haven't really ventured into more expensive butters or oils, but I regularly add organic Shea Butter & Cocoa Butter to my soaps. Am I wasting my money because SB & CB aren't effective since soap 'washes' off? I have been using Apricot Kernel Oil also, but am considering dropping it once I run out.
I like olive, coconut, palm (although I may not order again once I run out), high oleic sunflower, castor and lard. I occasionally use shea. I had apricot kernel oil for lotions and tried it in a facial soap. I really liked it but didn't reorder it. I haven't made lotions for a long time and decided I could live without it. This doesn't mean I won't order it again. I just needed to cut back on purchases.

I think the idea of wasting your money by using shea or cocoa is really a personal opinion. After all, there are some free oils which do remain on the skin. I don't feel I'm wasting money when I use shea in soap because it does add some creaminess. However, I don't know if any beneficial properties remain after saponification. I also don't know if it makes a difference to the feel of the lather. Lard has similar qualities to shea in soap and I'll probably start using it more than shea. Partly because I'm low on shea and have to order it online but lard I can buy at the grocery. It's also cheaper.
I too use Olive, Coconut, Palm and Castor...I do use Shea and or Cocoa Butter mostly for label appeal as I'm not sure how much remains but I like it. I've recently started using move lard and once my palm is gone may just switch over to that. I am also experimenting with PKO in conjunction with Coconut.. I think it's mostly personal and how you feel about the qualities of your soap.
Coconut oil, lard, high oleic safflower (as a subsititute for olive), and castor are my main soaping oils. I have used shea in a few recipes, but do not feel I have to use it in everything.

I plan to experiment with a mix of HO safflower and rice bran oil -- I'm looking at the HO safflower and/or rice bran oil as an alternative to olive oil. So much OO is heavily adulterated or processed, I pretty much figure US consumers are buying "mystery oil" rather than real OO, especially if it's inexpensive.

For leave on products, calendula-infused sunflower, meadowfoam seed, babassu, rosehip, and jojoba are my go-to oils.
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Definitely olive, coconut, castor and almond oil. I've been playing with sunflower and rice bran oils lately and do like them as well but my faves are the first four listed.
My basic 5 are olive, palm, tallow, lard, and castor. I am considering not ordering more palm when I use what I have. I'm not selling yet - hope to soon - and lard doesn't have much label appeal so I'll have just wait and see on that one. If too many people read the label and go "yuck!" I'll reconsider. I put shea butter in a couple of soaps and I do think it adds a creaminess and a conditioning factor. I love avocado in shampoo bars.
My absolute favourites are: Coconut, Olive, Shea, Castor, Almond, Cocoa Butter, Apricot Kernel, and Avocado. I no longer use Palm due to the damage its harvesting is doing to the rain forest and surrounding communities of animals and people alike. Just a personal choice I made. It's a shame too because Palm makes a great bar of soap.

According to the lack of moisturizer I had to use this winter, I'd say some of the oil properties stay intact. My husband was able to skip an eczema breakout this year too!
According to the lack of moisturizer I had to use this winter, I'd say some of the oil properties stay intact. My husband was able to skip an eczema breakout this year too!

I agree. I haven't had to use any moisturizer since I started making my own soap and it's been great (although I have tons of ingredients since I make my own).

My oils are: OO grade A, avocado, palm, CO, and castor. Some times I use shea but now leaning towards cocoa since I get less ash with cocoa versus shea.
Thanks for all the's giving me things to consider. I see several mention using Avocado. I will have to try it sometime.
I use OO, CO, palm, lard, shea, and castor. I also use either avocado or sweet almond oil (for extra mildness) or grapeseed oil (for shaving soaps) depending on the soap I'm making.

I want to try beef tallow too. Just waiting for my local butcher to get some good leaf lard next month. I wanted to try the whole rendering thing and see how I like it. I am also going to get some pig lard to render at the same time. Both butchers are from my local farmer's market.
I tend to buy what is on sale in bulk from ED. Nice big chunk of Shea and Cocoa butter will last me a while! I too am jumping off the palm oil bandwagon... I love hugging trees. :)
Like most before me; I love olive, coconut, palm, castor, and lard. But I also sometimes use avocado, apricot seed or sweet almond oils. I do use shea butter occasionally, but I do like to save it primarily for the leave on products.

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