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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. Jackie H

    Where did you learn to soap?

    I love Ellys Everyday! The only recipes I’ve made so far have been hers
  2. Jackie H

    Soaps causing skin problem on hands

    That’s a good possibility! I have to double filter our water because the chlorine was making me sick, it probably is effecting my skin too!
  3. Jackie H

    Where did you learn to soap?

    What a cool experience! I think the Nerdy Farm Wife was the one who put the idea in my head 😂 her and Lovely Greens I have sensitive skin too and am prone to skin infections. I’m hoping by making my own soap I can add some things that help prevent the infections. I figure if the scent of EO’s...
  4. Jackie H

    Rebatch or Wait?

    Here’s an update on the soap! It ain’t pretty but it lathers well and leaves my hands super soft. All things considered, I’m thrilled with it! I learned a lot and will try this recipe again..with correct measurements. It also has me wanting to get into hot process soaping so good all around 😁
  5. Jackie H

    Where did you learn to soap?

    😂 I’m in the don’t give a hoot category too! Thank you so much for your replies everyone!!! 💕 I can’t reply to them all but have read and enjoyed each one!
  6. Jackie H

    Where did you learn to soap?

    Herbal infusions, EOs an natural colors is the route I want to go too ☺️
  7. Jackie H

    Where did you learn to soap?

    I’ve had that book in my cart for awhile, I guess it’s time to finally buy it! I read a sample of it and that’s where I learned about using ice instead of water for your lye. It made it seem less scary and helped me finally make my first soaps!
  8. Jackie H

    Rebatch or Wait?

    Thanks for the link! The soap I put into bar moulds actually hardened so I’ll at least have that 😂 The big loaf mould is slowly hardening too so there hope yet!
  9. Jackie H

    Where did you learn to soap?

    So after my second batch shenanigans and being reminded that you can’t trust all YouTube tutorials, I must ask, where did you all learn the art of soap making? I just found the Book Recommendation section of the forum so I’ll be pouring over that😂 grateful I found this community!
  10. Jackie H

    Rebatch or Wait?

    Thanks again for your help!
  11. Jackie H

    Rebatch or Wait?

    Thanks so much for all the help and tips! I did the zap test when I thought the soap was done and it was fine, I was just nervous about burning my tongue with lye 😂 I guess as long as you put your recipe through a soap calculator and measure everything accurately there would be no reason for it...
  12. Jackie H

    Rebatch or Wait?

    🤦🏻‍♀️ lesson learned 😅 so along those lines…all the YouTubers I have been watching on soap making use ph strips to test, but then researching today I learned ph testing isn’t really accurate. So how do you know when your soap is safe to use/not lye heavy?
  13. Jackie H

    Soaps causing skin problem on hands

    Just wanted to say this happens to my hands too with store bought soap, and my Aunt’s hands, and we don’t know why. I have noticed if I wash my hands too frequently in a short period of time it happens. It seems like the soap doesn’t get completely rinsed off and then builds up on my hands and...
  14. Jackie H

    Rebatch or Wait?

    Thank you for the pep talk, I needed it!
  15. Jackie H

    Rebatch or Wait?

    So I tried the preheating the oven, turning it off, leaving the soap in overnight method. It didn’t make much of a difference. Then I moved on to the crockpot method which turned out to be good, when I took the bars out of the mold there was a bunch of water/oil underneath the bars. Once the...
  16. Jackie H

    Rebatch or Wait?

    Awesome! Thanks for the suggestion! I wonder if my seed starting mat would be warm enough 🤔
  17. Jackie H

    Rebatch or Wait?

    How did you guess? 🤣😂
  18. Jackie H

    Rebatch or Wait?

    Thanks for the info! Unfortunately it took me 3 days to realize what I did wrong or else I would’ve hot processed it 😅 I’ll give what @Ekuzo suggested a shot and then if that doesn’t work I’ll try the oven hot process method. I had never heard of that method, thanks for sharing!
  19. Jackie H

    Rebatch or Wait?

    Thanks so much for the suggestion! That’s definitely easier than rebatching it so I’ll give it a try! The bars that are just 3 in the mold turned white overnight and one of the round ones the edges are just starting to turn white so something is still happening 😅 Green is just the OO!
  20. Jackie H

    Rebatch or Wait?

    I made a batch of soap on Wednesday (only my 2nd ever) and I messed up 😅 I measured my water wrong and ended up adding probably 4 times what the recipe called for. That scale will be going in the garbage! Thankfully I measured the lye and my oils and butters with a different scale so I’m...