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  1. QuietWorker

    First batch just finished!

    I couldn't agree more! Seems like such an awesome and welcoming community. Everyone sharing their experiences to make you get better results!!! Also, @AliOop , I went ahead and made that lard-based soap from the other thread. It didn't go as smoothly as my first batch (just me being mindless)...
  2. QuietWorker

    First batch just finished!

    @Ekuzo I decided to unmold them the other day (almost exactly 48 hours after pouring) and they came out without a problem! I have put them on a cooling rack thing I got at my local walmart. I assume this will promote relatively even airflow for the bars. They look so cool! I'm so proud I was...
  3. QuietWorker

    Soaps causing skin problem on hands

    Hey, @AliOop ! I don't mean to resurrect this thread, but I was looking at this recipe again and it caught my interest. Can you tell me the best way to make this? Can I use like a 33% lye solution strength and a 5% superfat? Or what would you recommend?
  4. QuietWorker

    First batch just finished!

    Interesting calculation, thank you for sharing. I wish everyone would just use a single weight measurement (preferably grams) for everything. I did my own calculations are found that per 100g of water you add ~1.56g of both sea salt and baking soda. But I realize those things are all different...
  5. QuietWorker

    First batch just finished!

    Wow, good thing to look out for!!! Thanks again for the info! Also, I saw you made some of Zany's no-slime soap. I was wondering: would I be able to pre-make the lye and faux seawater? Meaning, can I react the faux seawater and the lye and then let it cool down and then store it for at least a...
  6. QuietWorker

    First batch just finished!

    Noted, and thank you! I just assumed glass was non-reactive with everything lol. I think borosilicate and quartz glass is better, but I'll just avoid glass altogether. I think I have like a #2 (HDPE) bottle I can store it in instead (not make it in, just store, because I think #5 is better for...
  7. QuietWorker

    First batch just finished!

    @Ekuzo thanks again for your helpful comments! I'm only about 18 hours after pouring it into the mold and they are pretty dang hard already. I can leave an imprint if I press hard, but they seem pretty solid, actually. At least the tops. Thanks for the info about the water amount. How do you...
  8. QuietWorker

    First batch just finished!

    I apologize for not specifying; I did not use the faux seawater with the salt and baking soda. Just plain distilled water. I also forgot to mention that the main unit of measurement in the spreadsheet is grams (unless otherwise stated). And thank you for the information!!! I greatly appreciate...
  9. QuietWorker

    First batch just finished!

    Hello all. I made a thread a couple weeks ago (here) and decided to try something out. Sooo I decided to kinda of ignore all the suggestions and do my own thing. I probably messed something up... but I just wanted to experiment (not so smart for my first time making soap though, eh?). I...
  10. QuietWorker

    Soaps causing skin problem on hands

    Good point and thank you for catching my mistake! I appreciate it greatly.
  11. QuietWorker

    Soaps causing skin problem on hands

    Interesting, @A-Polly and @justsomeguy . Perhaps I am mistaken. I was taking my information from here: Are they required to list the inactive ingredients on the label? If so, I think that is definitive proof that I am wrong because you're right, they only list one ingredient, the castor oil.
  12. QuietWorker

    Soaps causing skin problem on hands

    No, for the Freskaro castor oil it says there is water as an inactive ingredient. E.g. the castor oil is diluted in water. I think you're misunderstanding. I am not talking about purity, so I shouldn't have used that word. I am saying the Freskaro brand has diluted the castor oil and the bottle...
  13. QuietWorker

    Soaps causing skin problem on hands

    @A-Polly @Ekuzo @DeeAnna (you seem scientifically inclined, so maybe you can check my work below?) Okay so I went down a bit of a rabbit hole. I was wondering just how pure the Freskaro castor oil I got from Walmart was. The title says it's 100% pure but I couldn't find anything on the bottle...
  14. QuietWorker

    Soaps causing skin problem on hands

    @Ekuzo Yeah, unfortunately things are never 100%, but this should be pretty close to it. It's always better to assume the things are 100% anyway for calculations sake, right? It's better to have an excess of oil rather than an excess of lye! @A-Polly I may have actually spoken too soon. I could...
  15. QuietWorker

    Soaps causing skin problem on hands

    @Ekuzo thank you so much for your reply! It cleared a lot of stuff up for me. @AliOop the sodium hydroxide I plan to use is food grade, so it should be very pure. @Zing thank you for sharing your experience with that. That sounds tough. I will definitely let you know how it develops! And...
  16. QuietWorker

    Soaps causing skin problem on hands

    Their unscented baby bar soap was the one I'm having trouble with!!! But thank you for the suggestion of Dead Sea Minerals. I haven't heard of them and I'll have to look into it! Harshest in what ways? Thanks and yes, I will try to start experimenting! I picked up some silicone molds and I...
  17. QuietWorker

    Soaps causing skin problem on hands

    I posted a message on Friday, but it is under moderation review for some reason. It's a big response that addresses a few things. I hope it gets approved soon so you all can see it.
  18. QuietWorker

    Soaps causing skin problem on hands

    Yeah, I think it's probably worth making a small batch of my own stuff to see if it happens with that, too. For the Dr. Bronner's, I used their unscented bar soap. The ingredients are: Organic Coconut Oil, Organic Palm Oil, Sodium Hydroxide, Water, Organic Olive Oil, Organic Hemp Seed Oil...
  19. QuietWorker

    Soaps causing skin problem on hands

    Sorry in advance if this isn't the right place to post this. I've recently been getting into cold processed soaps for use in the shower. I've used two brands: Dr. Bronner's and Dr. Squatch. Both are cold processed commercially produced soaps. I used a bar of Squatch for a while and didn't...