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  1. Janiewoo

    Using oat milk and forgetting to add it till after trace 😖

    @akseattle thank you for the encouraging words. I think the post-it note a brilliant idea, they can be moved after each step. I'm going to give this a try. I made some little posters on my cupboards, but I forget to look at them 😖
  2. Janiewoo

    Using oat milk and forgetting to add it till after trace 😖

    Hi, and thanks for asking. They don't look very pretty (you can see how much I struggled to get the batter into the moulds} but they seem to be curing properly. I only made a small batch, enough for 6 bars, (the tiny flower was an unexpected bonus, probably due to the air pockets in the other 6...
  3. Janiewoo

    Using oat milk and forgetting to add it till after trace 😖

    So, today I made my 4th batch ever of soap; and thought I'd try something new; soaping at a cooler (room) temperature and adding oat milk to the recipe. I followed a recipe* I found online and dutifully split the liquid weight between the oat milk and infused (chamomile) water. But, in my...