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  1. G

    Cleaning up colorants after making soap

    How do yall clean up after making soap? The batter in the pots are easy as well as the lye pitcher. For me the colorants are a pain and don’t really get them completely clean. I use old medicine containers, I put a teaspoon or so of oil and the color or charcoal and use a milk frothier mix...
  2. G

    Tried to make a lotion bar

    The wax I used was a freedom soy wax. Said it melts at 160 degrees. I will pick up some bees wax. The bar has firmed up some sitting out. I may also pick up some mango butter so I will play and see what works...
  3. G

    Tried to make a lotion bar

    I just learned lotion bars exist a few days ago. Thought I would make one for my wife since she flys a lot for her job and this could be TSA friendly. I have never seen one before so I do not know how soft they are. But mine was way too soft to travel. About as firm as a slushy snowball...