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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. H

    New here, thanks for having me

    Hello, I stumbled over this forum whilst googling an issue I had with a conditioner bar I made. What a great place this is, I got help immediately. I'm from Copenhagen, Denmark and if my English is funny at times it only because it's not my first language. I'm 59 and my hobby is to make my own...
  2. H

    Re-melt conditioner bar?

    Thanks again It is PERFECT now :) I' doubled the amount of BTMS 25 and tripled the amount of Cetyl Alcohol, I also added Candelia wax to make a harder bar, and now it is just like I want it for my hair type witch is rather fine. Note to self: make sure to check the hair type a recipe is...
  3. H

    Re-melt conditioner bar?

    Thank you! I remelted today and added much more BTMS and Cetyl Alcohol, and it is firming up much better. I will test it tomorrow, I'm sure it is much lighter on the hair now :-)
  4. H

    Re-melt conditioner bar?

    Hi all, My first post here. I'm new to making my own soaps and conditioners. I made a conditioner bar that is way to greasy for my hair, and after comparing the recipe i followed to other conditioner bar recipies I found it has almost the double amount of butters and oils. So my question is: can...