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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. Syd Kahn

    Got to DIY soap from 3D printing

    A small batch is my plan - I bought two crockpots at Goodwill - one little and one large - I am going to make the small batch in the large one - just in case of a volcano and such - have been scrounging around for a recipe and settled on coconut and olive oil with a smidge of castor. Adding the...
  2. Syd Kahn

    Got to DIY soap from 3D printing

    I saw a file on how to 3D print a soap mold - My daughter-in-law has a store and mentioned that she wouldn't mind soaps with her logo on them... Wow! And down the rabbit hole, I went... I am currently waiting on a shipment from TEMU with molds, cutters, and stuff - planning on a hot process...