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  1. N

    Stevia sweetener in lip balm

    I don't know what im doing wrong but I can't get it to work :( no matter how much of it I add to my mix, it doesn't turn out sweet, at all
  2. N

    Stevia sweetener in lip balm

    Do you like it ? I think im going to go with that, I checked, and if I take the 16oz, even with exchange rate + the shipping it will still cost me much less than if I was to buy the same amount of anything I can find on amazon Canada. Its also going to be far less complicated 😅
  3. N

    Stevia sweetener in lip balm

    I've been looking up stevia + maltodextrin and its actually hard to find, but I found this brand The one you showed me was a bit expensive I remember buying powdered stevia in the past and it probably...
  4. N

    Stevia sweetener in lip balm

    This one brand has these ingredients: Olive oil, substainable palm oil, beeswax, coconut oil, castor seed oil, stevia, aroma, mica i've looked it up and in this case is the palm oil working as an emulsifier ? But there are three other brands that don't seem to list any: 1- Beeswax, Shea...
  5. N

    Stevia sweetener in lip balm

    Super ! Thanks a bunch 😊
  6. N

    Stevia sweetener in lip balm

    I might yes 😅 iv been seeing so many different things and names online that I might of had them confused. Very new to this. I know a lot a small brand companies that have sweetened lip balms and im trying to figure out how they do it. I've looked those up as well but shipping to Canada is...
  7. N

    Stevia sweetener in lip balm

    Thanks for the reply ! But isin't maltodextrin powder as well ? How would I add it with the rest of the ingredients to make them stay together ?
  8. N

    Stevia sweetener in lip balm

    Hi ! Newbie here, i've been looking up different ingredients to start making lip balm but im kind of stuck on something. I want to make my lip balms sweet but realized that most stevias sold are either liquid, that im guessing will not dissolve in oil or, powdered stevia which is probably the...