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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. ElCosmiqueChild

    Beginner Soapmaker Saying Hi!!

    Thank you! 😊
  2. ElCosmiqueChild

    Beginner Soapmaker Saying Hi!!

    Thank you and yes you're absolutely right 👍
  3. ElCosmiqueChild

    Beginner Soapmaker Saying Hi!!

    Gracias mi amigo! 🙏 I hope to learn so much from this community!
  4. ElCosmiqueChild

    Beginner Soapmaker Saying Hi!!

    Hello fellow crafters! My name is Michelle. I'm a stay at home mother of four and love crafting scented candles, body lotions and lip balms for my family. I've always wanted to make my own bars of soap since I was a young child. My grandmother would make batches of CP soap in her kitchen using...