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  1. T

    Do I have unreacted Lye/Need to rebatch?

    And this is safe long term? My soap looks like it has gel pockets and I want to make sure it is not going to harm anyone
  2. T

    Do I have unreacted Lye/Need to rebatch?

    Hey! Thanks for response. Definitely a weak emulsion. Been trying to get the perfect “trace” lately without over mixing but definitely under mixed this one. Recipe is just 70oz oil 20oz Water 10oz Lye Cold processed, mixed oil with lye at about 120 degrees each Batch size I haven’t measured yet
  3. T

    Do I have unreacted Lye/Need to rebatch?

    Hi! I have gotten lucky early in my soap making career and had nothing but great batches. Recently, I was trying to avoid over-mixing because I did not want the trace to become too-thick and harden before I was able to pour into all molds. This led to me pouring a mixture that seemed...
  4. T

    Thanks for having me! Relatively rookie soap maker making a career out of it

    Hi! My name is Albert. I began making my own soap to solve a life style problem I was running into. Due to some health complications a few years ago, I had to start holistically trying to reduce imflammation and optimize my hormones. This path led me to be passionately against harmful...