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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. Tara08

    Adding mica powder to hp soap

    Hello! I have been making hp for a few months now, but an still trying to figure out what the best method is to add mica powder to my soap. I have tried a few different ways, just wondering what others thoughts or experiences have been. Thanks!!
  2. Tara08

    Fragrance Oil Testing

    Hello!! I have a ton of fragrance oils to test. I make hp, but for the purposes of testing scent (and the sake of ingredients/time), does anyone think that I can using melt & pour? Or will the scent be different them when I make my hp and therefore not a good representation of the scent? I hope...
  3. Tara08

    Salt Bar

    Hello! When making a salt bar, is the percentage of salt per oil weight or from the total soap weight? Thanks!!!
  4. Tara08

    Fragrance Oil Usage Rate?

    Hello lovely soapmakers! I am really confused by some of the info I am getting from Northwood Distributing about the usage of their fragrance oils. Example below, for Bergamot & Wilf Fern in says for soap the skin safe % is 42. The usage rate for soap obviously can't be that?? Does anyone else...
  5. Tara08

    Soap in pieces after use...

    Hello! I'm a new hot process soap maker. My bars have been coming apart in pieces at the end of use when there is a small amount left. Often it is between layers/swirls of different colors. Can't figure out why. Any ideas/ suggestions are welcome!!
  6. Tara08

    Small bumps on soap surface...

    Hello! When I cut a recent batch of hot process soap, I noticed small bumps on each bar. I have not seen this in past batches. I have been experimenting with different soft oils and had been using lye flakes (from Wholesale Supplies Plus) but then recently bought more like a typical sodium...
  7. Tara08

    Hot Process- Holding water back for after cook

    Hi! Is it ok to reserve water (take from what would be combined with lye, is that called a water discount??) and add it after the cook to help with fluidity of HP soap? How much is recommended? One article I read gave an example of holding back 4oz of 12 total oz of water. So like a 1/3 of the...
  8. Tara08

    Hot Process-When is it Cooked/Finished?

    Hello! I'm new to the Soapmaking Forum and recently started making hot process soap. I believe it will be my preferred method but I am a little confused about a couple things, mainly because I have found varying info for the same subjects... 1. Do you have to go through all stages (full gel...