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  1. K


    Tone is not hard for me to convey in writing. Like I said she could have said it better...especially with me being new to this there was no need for all of that.
  2. K


    Understood I just felt like she could have worded it better in my opinion. It came off a little rude to me. And the aaa at the end was an accident. Didn't realize until after I had posted it. Thanks for the advice though.
  3. K


    Ok but calm down though. Three question marks wasn't necessary. I just asked a simple question on why my soap looks the way it is. I didn't need a whole paragraph of you trying to lecture me. And never said I wasn't happy with it just wondering why it has a smoky smell to it and why is it two...
  4. K


    Does anybody know why my soap turned out like this? I used honey, turmeric, Shea butter, coconut oil and almond oil. I also used the heat transfer method for the first time. I have a feeling maybe I added too much honey and it overheated because it does have a burnt smoky smell to it but idk. Aaaaa
  5. K

    Soap Making 101

    What would be a great super fat and lye concentration number for a honey turmeric soap? Should I do more than 5% super fat being though that coconut oil can be drying to the skin?
  6. K

    Soap Making

    What cleansing number is good for dry skin? And should the conditioning number be higher than the creamy number?
  7. K

    Need Help

    Hey guys how do you clean up a plastic container that has lye particles left in it?