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  1. N

    Ph 14 Soap Paste would like to save any ideas please?

    Ha ha my granny would have slapped my wrist as well when she was teaching me how to sew. Thanks for helping I really appreciate it and have a lovely day (or night) Im in Australia and yes Elly is who I have been learning from. She is so clear and doesn't neutralise so it's easier, or should be...
  2. N

    Ph 14 Soap Paste would like to save any ideas please?

    Ok so i have now added 75g of citric acid and it's about Ph 8 Thinner and very milky Performs like liquid soap, not great lather but ok. Should I add a bit of KOH to get it to Ph 9 or ???? Is it actually liquid soap with that deep milkyness... thanks so much and I understand This batch has been...
  3. N

    Ph 14 Soap Paste would like to save any ideas please?

    Ok so i have now added 75g of citric acid and it's about Ph 8 Thinner and very milky Performs like liquid soap, not great lather but ok. Should I add a bit of KOH to get it to Ph 9 or ???? Is it actually liquid soap with that deep milkyness...
  4. N

    Ph 14 Soap Paste would like to save any ideas please?

    ... wondering if it can reach trace now?
  5. N

    Ph 14 Soap Paste would like to save any ideas please?

    Hi I only added it to the separated-out batch. I hear what you're saying about the different SAP values and think you're right. It's difficult because the volcano process throws another variable in. I have now added: - 578g oil (coconut and olive) to = 33% of total paste weight as was...
  6. N

    Ph 14 Soap Paste would like to save any ideas please?

    ....wondering if the volcano which happened very early created a false trace?
  7. N

    Ph 14 Soap Paste would like to save any ideas please?

    Hi Everyone Beginner soap maker here. This is my third batch. Having so much fun and learning lots. WHAT I DID THAT MIGHT HAVE CAUSED THE ISSUE 1- Swapped out 80g of the castor oil for coconut oil as I didn't have enough castor 2- Doubled the recipe 3- Cooked it too hot so it volcanoed Most...
  8. N

    Any Assistance Greatly Appreciated - New to soap making

    Ok thanks interesting it didn't last I have a recipe i want to try that has it in so will get some and give it a try Thanks for the link ill have a look
  9. N

    Any Assistance Greatly Appreciated - New to soap making

    ahh fascinating So much to learn. Is Gua Gum a good idea?
  10. N

    Any Assistance Greatly Appreciated - New to soap making

    Ok interesting Yep thanks looking forward to seeing it
  11. N

    Any Assistance Greatly Appreciated - New to soap making

    Hi thank you so much for your response. I would love your shower gel recipe Mine ended up honey-colored and quite beautiful. Lovely to use but very watery. I put lots of salt in but didn't change viscosity Loved the process. Excited to try new recipes' Kindly Nicola
  12. N

    Any Assistance Greatly Appreciated - New to soap making

    Thanks very much! I ended up cooking it for about 15 hours more on low and adding some more lye and now it's good. :-)
  13. N

    Any Assistance Greatly Appreciated - New to soap making

    So I ended up cooking it on low for about 10 hours and it's now clear Great advice re getting advice on the recipe and doing a small batch thanks I still don't understand Superfat so will do some more reading Kindly Nicola :)
  14. N

    Any Assistance Greatly Appreciated - New to soap making

    Ha ha yep I've been researching for about the same amount of time if not more. I purchased all the stuff which has collected dust until I finally took the plunge Saturday. I have tried to fix the batch but am now lost as to how much lye and salt etc has been added and it's still murky with a...
  15. N

    Any Assistance Greatly Appreciated - New to soap making

    Hi Zany Thanks for responding. Lovely thought of learning more recipes and of a long-involved relationship with the process. Bit mystified by it ATM but I'm sure that will change with experience. ☺️
  16. N

    Any Assistance Greatly Appreciated - New to soap making

    Hi everyone My name is Nicola (58 years old) and I live in a rural town outside Melbourne, Australia. I have three kids mostly grown up now so time to do fun things like make soap. On the weekend I made my first batch of liquid soap and it was a bit of a disaster with a white film on top and...