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  1. Risaka

    2nd batch of liquid soap (and future batch help)

    Hi! My Soap Calc recipe is as shown (apologies for not showing it on my initial post): I am indeed going for 0% superfat, although that's not to get clear soap per se; I don't mind having opaque/clear/translucent soap, as long as it does what the soap is intended to do according to the...
  2. Risaka

    2nd batch of liquid soap (and future batch help)

    Hi! Just finished diluting my 2nd batch of liquid soap early last week and distributed a number of bottles to friends and colleagues. I used the recipe here: Liquid Soap Recipe With Shea Butter - HerbAlcochete , which uses a formulation of: 55% olive oil 30% coconut oil 15% shea butter I...
  3. Risaka

    Diluting Liquid Soap Help Needed

    Thanks for your reply! I'll stick with LGP for now then, even if it's an off-label use. I'm definitely thinking of adding more water, although this batch of soap right now is very liquid and not honey-thick. The consistency of the diluted portion seems to be as thin as water, which is what I'm...
  4. Risaka

    Diluting Liquid Soap Help Needed

    Hey, thanks for your reply! Sadly, I've already bought the LGP as it was recommended from other posts I've read... I'll test out the lavender EO in a 200ml (6.7oz) bottle of the diluted soap once it's ready and if it works out, I'll use the same percentage on the bigger batch of diluted soap...
  5. Risaka

    Diluting Liquid Soap Help Needed

    Hi! My first post here but for my very first attempt in soap making, I made 2 batches of liquid soap paste with the CP method and after sequestering my 2 batches of soap for a week, I'm now trying to dilute the soap paste for the 1st batch of soap. My 1st batch of soap (400g oil) has 30%...