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  1. T

    Browsing soap pics

    It almost went in the bin as it was a horrible colour when first made but I gave it a chance to see how it turned out, it was the same with the blueberry batch , it was the ugliest colour ever but 2 days later it had a blue look to it and wasn't so bad
  2. T

    Browsing soap pics

    I dont you any colours and the lye did have an effect on it but I was happy with the finished item . I have a lovely pink bar made with calamine and aloe which lightened to a lovely shade of pink
  3. T

    Browsing soap pics

    my attempt at tomato soap with real tomatoes
  4. T

    Gond katira

    That's what I was thinking but I had to ask just incase it could be added
  5. T

    Gond katira

    Hi , has anybody used gond katira in a soap or shampoo bar , the only recipes I can find for it are conditioners that have a shelf life of 1 week . Can this be added to a recipe without problems . Tia