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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. gunnyblu

    Adding hair to cp

    I was curious if you tried adding the horse hair to your soap, and how did it turn out? Im a horse girl so Im very interesed in doing this.
  2. gunnyblu

    Bubbles - effects of castor, sugar and other additives

    DeeAnna, sorry to make another pass on this. Do you have a website for your Bells you could send me?
  3. gunnyblu

    My largest project so far: 5.62 kilo (12.4 lbs.) double batch of soap batter

    Could you show me how to do the calculation for vinegar only? I don't want to MB lye solution.
  4. gunnyblu

    Horse Soap

    Thank you.
  5. gunnyblu

    Horse Soap

    Im looking to make a soap to use on my horse. Looking for any tips or recipes that you might have concerning horse soap. So far my research has some conflicting info on EO, all have said Cedarwood, Lavendar, and Geranium is ok and good for bugs, not sure which I’ll use yet, just those seem to be...
  6. gunnyblu

    Looking for Borax Soap Recipe

    Newbie here, Im interested in the Borax soap. Im confused because Ive always been told borax is harmful to humans. Am I not understanding this or is the state the Borax is in the main factor? Not tryin to stir anything up, just trying to learn. It would be nice to have a good hand cleaner at...