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  1. ed.balaun

    Shea Butter

    Yes, Carly - I wonder why that is. I'm kind of kicking myself for not getting a pic of the ingredients listed on the back.
  2. ed.balaun

    Shea Butter

    I guess Bath & Body Works must have researched that Shea Butter is so appealing to its customers that they feature it prominently on the label of every soap they sell. 🤓 Six bars for $24, or $8.50 each.
  3. ed.balaun

    Recipe Question-Additives

    If I’m using a soap calculator, I’m pretty successful with my recipes. However, if I add things like goat milk powder, clay, oatmeal and honey, do I need to adjust water & lye? Not necessarily all in the same recipe.
  4. ed.balaun

    Fragrance Oils - Pouring without Spilling

    I used a chopstick to pour FO yesterday. It worked perfectly and not a drop was spilled. Thanks for the tip!
  5. ed.balaun

    Fragrance Oils - Pouring without Spilling

    Thank you! I would have never thought of that.
  6. ed.balaun

    Fragrance Oils - Pouring without Spilling

    Has anyone figured out a way to pour fragrance oils from the bottle without spilling them all over the scale? For as much as fragrance oils cost, I hate to waste so much due to it running down the sides of the bottle and onto the scale.
  7. ed.balaun

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Autumn colors. First time goat’s milk (powder) and mango butter. Almond FO. I‘m glad that I layered this time instead of swirling.
  8. ed.balaun

    Need FO - Chocolate Chip Cookies

    Has anyone found a good FO that really smells like chocolate chip cookies?
  9. ed.balaun

    25% off FO's at WSP

    I just discovered that I live about 20 minutes from WSP, and I can save 5% If I pick it up. 👍🏻
  10. ed.balaun

    Milk and Oatmeal in Soap

    Thank you, Kiwi. That’s exactly what I suspected.
  11. ed.balaun

    Milk and Oatmeal in Soap

    What exactly do milk and oatmeal do in a soap? Specifically, is there any noticeable difference? Do they really provide any real noticeable difference to a person’s skin? I know I’ve read about them, but I’d like to hear from people experienced in using them. How about soap with beer or coffee?
  12. ed.balaun

    parrafin wax melt trouble

    I’ve been making candles for three years. I’m not an expert, but I have a lot of experience now. Every time I made 100% soy candles, I would have a lot of trouble with sink holes that needed a lot of help fixing with my heat gun. I tried experimenting with different pour temperatures, with no...
  13. ed.balaun

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Ah, your guest room is used the same as I use mine! My brother is coming to visit on Labor Day weekend and every time I walk in, I wonder where I’m going to put my soap and candle goods. 😁 From an Ohio State Buckeyes fan to an LSU fan, we can agree what a great quarterback and guy Joe Burrow is. 👍🏻
  14. ed.balaun

    Fragrance Not Taking

    I’m really tired of making a big batch of CP after spending ten dollars on 2 ounces of fragrance oil, and end up with unscented soap. I used 4.5% FO dispersed in kaolin clay. Am I doing something wrong?
  15. ed.balaun


    since I’ve never had the fruit by itself, I don’t know what they’re supposed to taste like. The drink is sweet and I can’t really compare it to anything. There are small pieces of the fruit in the drink. Try it! Starbucks®
  16. ed.balaun


    I had never even heard of dragonfruit until my niece recommended it to me as a cold Starbucks drink. Now I’m addicted to it! What a great flavor.
  17. ed.balaun

    Activated Charcoal CP Soap

    Thank you. I did in pot swirl which was easy enough with just two colors. Your soaps look fabulous. And i won’t worry about a little gray. 😁
  18. ed.balaun

    Activated Charcoal CP Soap

    Hello again. I’ve been here for a few weeks now, and I have received some great advice from some really nice people. Thank you! Anyway, this is my latest creation. I made my first small batch of charcoal soap. 17.3 ounces of oils/butters, to which I added 1.1 tsp of activated charcoal. This...
  19. ed.balaun


    Thank you so much, Lynette! That’s going to be a big help.
  20. ed.balaun


    No matter how much I adjust my oils/butters, I can’t ever seem to reach the recommended number for “Longevity“. Everything else falls into place. I always come up short. So, what contributes to Longevity? What should I adjust? Also, I have searched and can’t seem to find a comprehensive list...