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  1. Syllvviiaa

    Oven Rebatch (CP)

    I think it was quite a bit 195 grams out of a total 975 grams, so 20%. The superfat was at 4%.
  2. Syllvviiaa

    Oven Rebatch (CP)

    I thought I would share my rebatch attempt. I considered this to be an attempt of salvaging soap and to learn from it. Being new to soapmaking I was happy to get the swirl in my original bar. Felt very deflated when I realized I forgot an oil and now had a beautiful lye heavy soap. There is an...
  3. Syllvviiaa

    Oven Rebatch (CP)

    Can you use the oven rebatch method on lye heavy soap? I realized I missed an oil in a soap I did yesterday. (so disappointed as it has a nice swirl). Would I grate the soap and add the amount of missing oil to it and go from there?
  4. Syllvviiaa

    Alkanet Root in lye water

    I want to try Alkanet root to get a purple colour soap. I read about infusing in oil and infusing in the lye water. I understand there are all different kinds of effects that can happen. So I thought I'd go with adding to lye water and now the lye water looks like dark brown. Is this ok? Will I...
  5. Syllvviiaa

    Tried coconut milk in soap for the first time

    Here is a picture of the coconut milk soap. I still like how it turned out. But maybe will try adding milk to the oil next time round. Did just remember that I did a water discount at 25%. That would also account for a harder bar. So if I do add milk to oil I probably shouldn't do a water...
  6. Syllvviiaa

    Tried coconut milk in soap for the first time

    Been reading about adding milk, specifically coconut milk, and finally tried it in a plain soap; no fragrance and no colours. My typical recipe is 70% OO, 27% CO and 3% caster oil and that is what I used for this coconut milk batch. I decided on replacing all the water with milk, so I froze the...
  7. Syllvviiaa

    Soft coating on top of soap

    Here is a photo of the first bar of soap using TD, with this white layer on top. This one I'm sure I didn't mix the TD well enough. See the TD spots. You can see on the top right where I tried scrapping the white off. The second photo is the cut of the bar above. This one I thought I mixed the...
  8. Syllvviiaa

    Soft coating on top of soap

    Candora Soap Supplies in Canada.
  9. Syllvviiaa

    Soft coating on top of soap

    I've attached the before and after photos. Maybe it is soda ash if soda ash can be soft. I didnt cover then. I also get these hair line cracks when I try to do a pattern on top.:confused:
  10. Syllvviiaa

    Soft coating on top of soap

    Maybe I'll try premixing it with water next time. It say disperses in oil on the suppliers website.... can it be done either way?
  11. Syllvviiaa

    Soft coating on top of soap

    I have made a few batches now and I noticed when I use TD I get a white soft coating on top of my soap. If it is soda ash it wouldn't be soft correct? I'm wondering if the TD is separating and rising to the top. I do seem to be struggling getting TD to mix in. First time I used TD and cut I had...
  12. Syllvviiaa

    Cornstarch to make fragrance last longer?

    I read in a Pinterest post that to help fragrance/scents last longer that cornstarch or arrowroot powder can be added. I haven't seen recipes with this so just wondering if anyone here has done that and if this is true. Sylvia
  13. Syllvviiaa

    Honey problem

    OMG, the photos above play an optical illusion on me. Above it looks like it bumps going up, for a lack of a better description. The photos below I can clearly see that it is spoon imprints... bumps going down. That's why I was wondering how you did that. I'm probably the only crazy one here to...
  14. Syllvviiaa

    Honey problem

    How did you make that texture on top? The one on the right looks like corn on the cob. So cool!
  15. Syllvviiaa

    October 2020 Challenge - Tall and Skinny Shimmy

    These all look so beautiful. I need to quit working so I can post more on the forum and make more soap. ;)
  16. Syllvviiaa

    Zany's no slime castile

    New to soapmaking and followed this castile soap recipe. Very glad to see the bars come out of the mold easy and firm. I was surprised to see how beautiful white they are. But I've reading how Castile soap is a light yellow or green. Do these white bars mean something is wrong with them?