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  1. T

    How to make moisturizing bath bomb mixture smooth?

    @Misschief (excellent screenname btw!): Oh, that makes sense! I never thought to add the acids last. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get everything incorporated with my hands. I think I'll start looking at the local thrift shops for an electric mixer, I saw a YouTube tutorial for cocoa...
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    How to make moisturizing bath bomb mixture smooth?

    I've been using this bath bomb recipe, and I love how it moisturizes my skin. I live in Colorado and it is dry, dry, dry here! Especially in winter. The bath bombs harden well, fizz nicely, even float. But I'm having trouble getting the oil & butter mixture to incorporate fully. I always end up...
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    Eden Botanicals EO & Amber Essence reviews

    @Saponificarian - Ahh, budget, foe of our fragrant dreams. Thanks for the recs, I'll make a note of them.
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    Eden Botanicals EO & Amber Essence reviews

    @dndlyon - Samples are my crack. Indie perfumes, EOs, FOs, bath & body products, I will buy ALL the samples. Eden and Elements know what's up. Nature's Garden, Tibetan Amber. I'll have to try that one! I'm not a fan of baby powder ambers, I like them richer and more resinous.
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    Lotion bars vs massage bars?

    I think lotion bars should sink in pretty quickly since most people want to use them and get on with life. Massage bars should be the opposite, they should have oils like olive or coconut that take a while to sink in so the person doing the massage doesn't have to reapply all the time.
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    Eden Botanicals EO & Amber Essence reviews

    @Saponificarian - Haha, I hear you! I have a bunch of FO samples coming with my order from Elements Bath & Body. I'm giving some of my bath & body stuff to my best friend who is sensitive to many synthetic fragrances, hence the EOs. FOs are way more budget friendly. Another amber fan! Got any...
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    Longest lasting EOs

    I didn't know they made cheap labdanum! Let me know if you find any, I'd love to experiment with it but I have yet to find any that I can afford.
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    Eden Botanicals EO & Amber Essence reviews

    Hi, fellow EO fans! I just received an order from Eden Botanicals, I'm bored, and I can't start making my bath & body Christmas gifts because a bunch of my materials are still in transit. So you get EO reviews. First, the company. I've ordered from them twice now and had a good experience both...
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    Longest lasting EOs

    @Millie - That's so weird, I just received a bottle of copaiba balsam in the mail and I can barely smell it! What I can smell is kind of like balsamic vinegar, but without the tartness. Noses are weird. Also, are you still looking for labdanum? Eden Botanicals has the smaller sizes of labdanum...
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    Frankincense Blends

    @Isg - Good to know that WSP's sandalwood FO is an accurate one! I adore sandalwood but can't afford the real thing.
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    Frankincense Blends

    I love frankincense, these all sound lovely! Especially the one with patchouli and ylang ylang, mmm. Maybe someday, if I can ever afford real frankincense EO...
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    Economical and eco friendly packaging

    @Dawni: Wow, it's great to hear about all the things the Philippines is doing to combat plastic waste! Makes my environmentalist heart go pitter-pat. :) Colorado really needs to get onto this train. Denver has decent recycling programs but the rest of the state? Not so much. My mom and I have to...
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    Economical and eco friendly packaging

    I've seen glassine bags at WSP, they are fully biodegradable and should be okay for lotion bars. DeeAnna has a good idea for soaps, if you don't have pretty rags or scrap fabric handy you could also browse the remnant bins at your local fabric store. Tie up your soaps like little bento boxes. Or...
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    Can I get some opinions on my EO blends?

    Wow, lots of replies today! Dawni: Ooh, that sounds delicious! Unfortunately I don't think my gift recipients will appreciate the beauty of patchouli. I'll try that blend for personal use though. geniash: I know... but I love cinnamon-type scents so much and I can't afford real cinnamon bark...
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    Can I get some opinions on my EO blends?

    Yes, benzoin smells almost identical to vanilla. If I concentrate I can get a very slight spicy aroma from my bottle alongside the vanilla-y sweetness, but if someone did a blind sniff test with benzoin absolute and vanilla extract? I'm not sure if I could tell the difference. I can't afford...
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    Can I get some opinions on my EO blends?

    Thanks for the feedback! Glad to know I'm on the right track. I tried equal amounts orange and lemongrass, and it smelled a little too sweet for me. But that was with an old, nearly empty bottle of orange oil. I have a new one now, maybe that will smell more like fresh orange zest and less...
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    Can I get some opinions on my EO blends?

    I'm new to the world of essential oils and a bit insecure about my blending abilities. I've tried most of these blends on cotton balls; should I put them in oil too before I try them in my actual product? Anyway, I'd like some feedback to see if I'm on the right track. These scents will be going...
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    Hello from Colorado!

    I joined to look for advice on making my own lotion bars for Christmas gifts! Starting early since I have a friend with a November birthday and she would probably like a couple lotion bars. I found a recipe on Mountain Rose Herbs' blog that looks good, but blending essential oils for fragrance...