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  1. D

    Yet another shaving thread

    Posting a follow up for any one that stumble son this latter. So bit of a delay in getting back... Work + Life = no time to soap. But, this did allow the cream soap plenty of time to age. verdict: All versions of the cram soap I made performed decently as shaving soap. That being said, a decent...
  2. D

    Castile soap murky

    Dont pitch it! Make a few more batches and mix these into get to roughly .5 %. May take a while, but no waste. It's good soap, just needs to be diluted with more soap :)
  3. D

    Yet another shaving thread

    This batch curnig nicely, and will be pretty decnet in a few more months. About every two weeks i test a a sample. So far, saves well enough, lacks the slickness I prefer, but seems to be on par with other commercial shave creams in this regard. Was a bit harsh at first (surprise with 1%...
  4. D

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Nothing soapy for me in the last few weeks, just lurking on the forums during breaks from work and planning my next soapy caper.
  5. D

    Hand Sanitizer

    I ahve not used corn start or arrowroot, but did pick up some (food grade) xanthan gum from the grocery store. Had a few trial and error.... But what I found has worked the best... 1. Mix 1/4 tsb glycerin with 1/4 tsb xanthan gum to make a paste. Add 2/4 cup distilled water to paste, stir well...
  6. D

    New to cold process, please help!

    I started out religiously checking temperature. And after I got lazy, saw more problems and issues. Controlling the temperature of the lye water and oil is an important variable to record.
  7. D

    Yet another shaving thread

    Glad it turned out well! How much glycerin did you end up adding? The recipie I make turns out the consistency of cake frosting/cream cheese icing. The shave soap I make is also very soft; firm putty, just shy of soft for a bar. I am not to fussed about texture.
  8. D

    Emulsion, Trace, False Trace, and Acceleration

    This is a wonderful explanation! Would love to see it stickied in the beginners forum.
  9. D

    Yet another shaving thread

    I have not abandoned this thread. I managed to drop my small batch scale (good down to .1 gram). Have another on order, but its nonessential, so will be about three weeks until it arrives. I do have a larger scale, its a bit flaky at a single gram, but 8.8oz batch again.. is honestly way too...
  10. D

    Hand Sanitizer

    The ratios will have to be tweaked based on your alcohol. I do not normally use denatured, but would guess it's in the 95ish percent range? The final concentration needs to be greater than 62% alcohol. 70 would be better.
  11. D

    Yet another shaving thread

    Then this is the recipe for you! I LOVE cream soap. The amount of glycerine used makes for a very non-drying soap. The first cream I made was only 20% coconut oil, and it is an amazing shower soap. My next goal is to try a middle of the road and do 30% coconut, 52% steric, and 18%?? Possibly...
  12. D

    Yet another shaving thread

    For a small batch, and that is really ALL I need, it was quite quick. Maybe an hour prep and do, and then just let it sit over night. Whipping took all of 10 minutes. Cleanup was easy as well. Now the hard part, letting it cure for 4-6 months. I did keep a smaller amount out in a separate...
  13. D

    Yet another shaving thread

    Here is the lather 20 minutes latter. Definitely had too much water in the brush, but lather held up well past the time I need to shave.
  14. D

    Yet another shaving thread

    While cleaning up, I had to test it. Lots of lather, very easily created. Nice and slick, later was not quite as thick and creamy as I prefer, was a bit more "foamy", but would defiantly shave comfortably. I have hopes this will rot well and turn into a good shave cream.
  15. D

    Yet another shaving thread

    Here it is whipped up. Looks pretty good. Added maybe a table spoon of boiling water to help consistency.
  16. D

    Yet another shaving thread

    Turned it out of the pot, a bit "ricey" and has some small "tapioca beads" of soap in the mix. So I am thinking I either did not mix ell enough, or had too low initial temps when adding lye to steric/coconut mix.
  17. D

    Yet another shaving thread

    In researching shaving soap, I ended up at this very enabling web site :) So, now I have two shave soap recipes (one for me, one for the wife), I have several bar soaps I love, CP and HP. SO, my next level of adventure is color in CP soaps, and liquid and cream soaps. October-ish of last year...
  18. D

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I made some cream soap a while back, and it makes a passable shave cream. I used steric, coconut, she, and sunflower. As a test, I just put on some steric (52%) and coconut (48%) to test. (oils are melting now) These %s are based off the original post in the songwind thread, and also coincides...
  19. D

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I ordered both from wholesalesupplies plus. As a note, their "sample" size is 2 OZ. Enough to get a good feel for if you like the scent and how it behaves.
  20. D

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Had to look this up :) Looks fun! I have some free time next week so may give this a try as part of my "continue to learn to sue color" practice.