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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. Daniël

    Tallow soaps!

    I know that some Artisan shaving soap makers use donkey milk, Buffalo tallow and all that. Very slicky soap!
  2. Daniël

    Newbie from the Netherlands

    I live in Leeuwarden at the moment. Nice to meet you
  3. Daniël

    Newbie from the Netherlands

    Kijk! Dat zijn leuke tips? Waar haal je goed EO of FO? Wat voor effect heeft spirulina op een zeep? Heeft een opwekkend karakter maar qua kleur?
  4. Daniël

    Newbie from the Netherlands

    Thanks Angelique! Are there any Dutch sites? And where do you purchase your soapmaking products??
  5. Daniël

    Newbie from the Netherlands

    You speak Dutch or Google Translate? Thanks for having me here.
  6. Daniël

    Newbie from the Netherlands

    I would love to learn to make some kind of aftershave balm!!
  7. Daniël

    Newbie from the Netherlands

    Hi, I'm Daniël. I'm from the Netherlands. I've been a wet shaving enthousiast for quite a while now and I'm anxious to learn about soap making. Some things will be difficult because English is not my mother language. Do you guys make balm or other body products as well?