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  1. L

    ACK! DOS!

    Most likely the crisco. Every time I use it I get DOS & I think they changed something else with it not just the palm. I can use veg shortening (cottonseed & soy) from walmart and never get DOS so figure that one out lol
  2. L

    FS C3 Soy Wax, Herbs, Silicone Mold, fo's etc.

    DISCLAIMER: SMF is not responsible for any sale, trade, co-op, pre-buy, fast buy, garage sale, ad or other transactions between members. All parties enter into transactions at their own will/risk. Have some things to de-stash :) Organic Herbs Yellow Dock Powder 2oz $2 Annatto Seed $1 a...
  3. L

    crap walmart co went up

    Yup ours has been almost $6 for a couple months now, it's all going up though. It sucks.
  4. L

    A little worried... weird properties emerging.

    If you used crisco stay away from it. I believe they changed the formula yet again so for the past few months I was trying to figure out what was going on and here it's the crisco.
  5. L

    Stupid mistakes and bone headed thinking.

    I burned my face the first time I soaped almost 5 years ago lol. Hubby was helping me at first and I took a whirl at it and raw soap splashed on my face, didn't realize it until I felt the itch. Thank goodness for the mask though and eye protection. Still to this day I still wear it and cringe...
  6. L

    Essential Depot FYI

    I have weird stuff happen with flakes for some reason I like the beads myself, but I don't seem to have static problems here. I think the humidity keeps my static down, thank goodness ;)
  7. L

    Essential Depot FYI

    I wish I could find it locally too. Anyone know of any in michigan? I can't buy 50lbs at once no room and it's humid here all the time.
  8. L

    Best price on essential oils?

    Essential Oil University
  9. L

    Best neutralizer for liquid soap?

    I used borax in the past, but I don't even use a neutralizer now that I use the summberbee soap calc.
  10. L

    Laundry Bath bombs?

    I've been thinking about this for a few weeks now, it's such a good idea just have to figure out how to do it lol
  11. L

    Chocolate Soap and shortening

    I love chocolate soap it's not a big seller for me, but that's ok more for me lol
  12. L

    How to keep from getting air pockets...

    My hubby has told me about this too it would be really neat to have for sure!
  13. L

    How many bars of soap are in your shower right now??

    I'm embarrassed I always have over 20 and I always hear it from hubby lol. I always ask him did you try the new soap I put in there and he always asks which one, what color is it lol. I have a big shower caddy and hubby made me a special soap holder rack for me that is made from coated hardware...
  14. L

    DOS & humidity

    Mine took maybe a few months, but it didn't go completely rancid for 6 or more. Now I used pomace though so it might be different for you. I have read regular olive is suppose to be better for preventing DOS, but maybe carebear has a little insight on that :)
  15. L

    DOS & humidity

    Oh DOS how I hate thee lol. I feel for you I live in a very humid area too. I always have to throw out batches. Pure castile though is notorious for going DOS at least for me. I have a batch that went total DOS the bars went totally rancid throughout it was awful. So now I'm afraid of soaping...
  16. L

    Lush. How do we feel about it?

    Never tried them, but I can't see paying that much for their products.
  17. L

    Prices? buying oils?

    I 2nd GFS or look for middle eastern stores you can usually find cheaper olive oil there, just make sure it's pure olive oil and not a blend.
  18. L

    Mixing chart for pop (type) micas??

    I found a chart on my hard drive that lists all the colorants and if their stable in soap is that what your talking about? I think I have one with pics too, but I'll have to search some more :)
  19. L

    Is blue lake the same as blue dye #1??

    I have the blue salt lake liquid from TKB and it has the blue #1 lake in it. It morphs to purple.