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  1. Wolf_In_The_Wood

    Zap testing during hot process

    On my first batch of hot process, I started the mix outside the crockpot because I wasn't sure if it would all fit... after some mixing and getting to medium trace it did seem like it would go, so I added it in and out of curiosity, did a zap test... definitely positive! Is this expected? I...
  2. Wolf_In_The_Wood

    Too much lye, quick rebatched, is it ok?

    Thanks everyone for your input! Forgot to add that I topped the soap with dried lemon verbena leaves, the scent was two different lemon verbena oils. Seemed like it was firm when I came home today so I went ahead and cut it. It was just a test batch so very small, and if it worked I intended...
  3. Wolf_In_The_Wood

    Too much lye, quick rebatched, is it ok?

    I used a hard wood mold with wax paper, I found a small bit of soap in the blender during cleaning I set aside that I think could indicate when the soap is starting to harden, though I'd probably give it another day or two after that since this one is exposed to air all around. I did test...
  4. Wolf_In_The_Wood

    Too much lye, quick rebatched, is it ok?

    I actually did reconfigure using a lye calculator while the rebatch was in the double boiler, I plugged in the lye amount I actually used, oils plus a guessed amount of additional olive oil and the calculator confirmed my guess. So I added it, mixed it, then pH'ed it. Also my guessed amount...
  5. Wolf_In_The_Wood

    Too much lye, quick rebatched, is it ok?

    Thanks! Confirms what I was already thinking. I wasn't sure since all rebatching I'd seen involved hardened soap grated down and didn't have a lye excess. Since I'm a serious newbie (I've made M&P once, this was my second attempt ever, have only watched YouTube and never taken a class...)...
  6. Wolf_In_The_Wood

    Too much lye, quick rebatched, is it ok?

    On my first attempt to cold process, I miscalculated and added too much lye, which I discovered just before I intended to pour into my mold. :silent: I quick looked at YouTube videos to rebatch, so I threw it in a double boiler and added heat matched olive oil with a blender stick until my pH...