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  1. D

    Reselling without permission?

    So very well said, DeeAnna. In my line of work, we call them brokers. They are able to offer a package of services that includes my product. They mark up the product handsomely. They can turn to someone else, who would *happily* supply them - and grow - their sweet piece of business. They...
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    Reselling without permission?

    I agree with DeeAnna. Your exclusive, hand made doggie soap could be a marketing tool she is using to set herself apart from the rest of the pack. (Oh, yes! pun.) Here's another: it's dog-eat-dog in the world of dog grooming. There are 4 within a mile of my home. It sounds to me that she was...
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    Post you ugly soap pics here - Troubleshooting thread

    Wouldn't it be cool if it world stay like this! Cherry chocolate for the holidays.
  4. D

    Adding Vitamin E To Esisting Body Butter

    Leaving the sample jars open 24/7 sounds like an issue. Is this commonly done?
  5. D

    Measuring water?

    I did the same thing you're doing. Confusing liquid ounces (volume) with weighted ounces. A small batch of lotion that did not emulsify properly taught me the difference. I bought a scale ☺
  6. D

    new soaper needs help

    Irish Lass: thank you for helping me understand! Ann: thank you for letting me high jack your thread for a moment!
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    new soaper needs help

    Irish Lass: I am just leaning how to input and read soap calc. When I put the recipe in the calculator at a 15 oz batch, it looked like the recipe used had a small water discount and a little more lye than called for. Would you kindly share how you did it so I can learn?
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    Needle felting!

    This little mouse is THE CUTEST LITTLE GUY! <jumping up & down, clapping like a kid>
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    Making custom bars for a customer

    It's a good idea to set the expectations in advance. I can see a custom shaving soap recipe being a great marketing tool. I can also see the barber believing that he/she "owns" it because he/she facilitated development.
  10. D

    lining wooden molds - part 1

    As I don't make big batches, the skinny, narrow box my lye came in works out great when lined with freezer paper. The best permanent liner I have seen was done on soaping101's youtube channel. Watch "How to Make Silicone Soap Mold Liners S2W30 {part…" on YouTube How to Make Silicone Soap...
  11. D

    Shipping oils in bags vs bottles?

    Something to take into consideration: changes in altitude during transit. Pressure & temp changes at different elevations (mountains, airplanes) can change the conditions inside the bag, even if you use a vac-sealed bag.
  12. D

    How did you find us?

    I followed a link from a soaper's web page that suggested this as a helpful, friendly resource.