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  1. S

    Made soap from used cooking oils....something went wrong :D

    sounds all rather complicated. I used up old cooking oil, added a block of lard and did 100% lye, no discount. Once partially hardened I grated it and added washing soda and borax (I wrote the ratios down somewhere) and use it for general washing and cleaning, ie cleaning cloths and old...
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    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Thank you.
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    What soapy thing have you done today?

    What soapy thing did I do today? It has been nearly a year since I made any CP soap and with present season coming I thought that I’d make a batch; used to be no problem. I doubled my recipe but forgot that I had doubled the EOs already- doh. So I have some rather lumpy soap. I will, of...
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    Pros and cons with using different types of milk

    I have some condensed coconut milk, it is 25% sugar; 75% coconut; would some of this be ok in CP soap? I use the liquid strained from my Greek yoghurt as a part-water replacement (frozen). Has anyone used condensed coconut?
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    Nobody wants to try shampoo bars unless they're free...

    I was just thinking about shampoo bars when this discussion popped up. I saw an ad for Nope shampoo and conditioning bars and, from idle curiosity, I looked at the ingredients and noticed that they do not contain lye but does have sodium coco-sulphate, which is a new one on me. Does anyone...
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    I’ve just looked at this post, rather late I know. From my in-medical reading over the past year, I am dismayed to find that anything which does not agree with the ‘official’ narrative is removed or subject to ad hominem attacks; where’s the debate? 1984 anyone? The FLCCC website has details...
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    I suggest researching vitamin D (not a vitamin, a hormone) and its ability to reduce severity on COVID-19 and reduce the possibility of contracting coronavirus. Best wishes.
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    Analyzing soap performance

    Yes, it is. And that is no exaggeration.
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    Analyzing soap performance

    Hi, linne1gi, it isn’t really a form of massage but it does utilise touch but very gently. Sharon Wheeler has developed lots of different techniques over the years (I was trained in Scar and Bonework by Sharon) for most situations. I am also trained in massage and there is a big difference...
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    Analyzing soap performance

    Completely off-topic; have you heard of Scarwork? This was initiated by Sharon Wheeler in Seattle and is now taught all over the world; it can help the result of burns by re-integrating tissue.
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    Stick Blender Recommendation

    Does anyone have recommendations for stick blenders, please? I only make CP soap and liquid soap for home use (and presents) so don’t make large batches at a time. My present blender gets a bit hot when mixing CP soaps (4lbs oils) so I think that I may need a more powerful one. Thank you.
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    Shampoo Bar - Thanks Lindy!!

    I make a shampoo bar which my husband uses; he loves it and it suits his hair, however, I am unable to use it as it leaves my hair thick with grease. I make it with soap nuts liquid and green tea. When I first made it and used it my hair was really soft and shiny. Then I coloured my hair with...
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    Coffee Soap soft and crumbly

    I'm not new to soap making and have made lots of successful CP soaps over a couple of years. However...I tried a new recipe with coffee and even after rebatching it is still soft and crumbly. (Lovely sudsy soap!) My maths is pretty sound so what went wrong and what can I do to rescue this...
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    Soaping 101 liquid soapmaking video?

    Thank you for all your feedback with regards to coffee. I just like playing around with things just for home use. I did experiment with a very small amount of paste and diluted it with some left-over real coffee - it smells wonderful and seems to lather well. I understand about it going off...
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    Soaping 101 liquid soapmaking video?

    I made my first liquid soap from soaping101's recipe, except that I substituted 50% glycerin for the water. (I have been making cp soaps for a couple of years.) It seems fine but isn't crystal clear, although it is 'cured'. I had to cook it for much longer to get the paste clear. It works...
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    Shampoo Bar - Thanks Lindy!!

    These comments are very useful, thank you. I had not picked up any negatives on other posts on the internet vis a vis shampoo bars. For me, the cp soap shampoo is out of the frame for the moment; a pity, but hey ho. I'll still make it for my husband and give another go from time to time.
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    Shampoo Bar - Thanks Lindy!!

    I understand your comment Carolyn Z, but how is that there are so many hair shampoo bars for sale? Also, my hair was wonderful for about a year, until I coloured it. My husband's hair is absolutely fine using my shampoo soap and he has been using it for over a year. Anecdote from other soap...
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    Why does the alkanet not yield purple?

    Using an infusion keeps the soap smooth as there are no bits. I cannot recall how much of the infused oil I used (it's in my recipe book somewhere as I keep a note of everything I do and how it turns out.) It wasn't a lot and the resulting soap is a pale purple with a slight grey tone - very...
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    Shampoo Bar - Thanks Lindy!!

    I started making a shampoo bar cp soap a few years' ago, mainly for my husband who has a flaky scalp and was using very strong commercial shampoos. His hair is absolutely brilliant after using it - it lathers up like a huge helmet! I started to use it and found that I could leave off the...
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    80% Lard Soaps..OK, I Get it Now.

    I've been making hair soap for some time, primarily for my husband so that he cuts down on the over-chemicalled commercial soap. He is fine with the soap for his hair - green tea and soap nuts. However, I have found that I can no longer use it as it makes my hair really greasy. It started off...