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    How much honey is enough?

    The recipe is : 16 oz water 7.2 oz lye 20 gr melted beeswax 100 gr coconut oil 1 tbsp honey 1 tbsp honey fragrance oil 1 tbsp myhrr fragrance oil 1 tbsp frankincense fragrance oil 1/4 tsp turmeric powder
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    Any Thoughts Silicone vs. Plastic vs. Wood Rectangular Soap Molds?

    Honestly, I have found that silicone works best with melt and pour bases. If you're doing cp or hp soap,the wood mold with the freezer paper works best. This is if you're doing a loaf bar. If you're doing like individual bars, a silicone mold with separate cavities works quite well.
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    How much honey is enough?

    Hello. I have made soaps with honey many times. However, it seems that sometimes if I use different types of fragrance oils the soap seems to turn out too soft. Should I cut back on the honey or the oils when they are used together? The amount is usually 1tbsp of honey and fragrance oils per...
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    Soft Soap

    Ok good to know. Thanks!!
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    Soft Soap

    Is a soap that is fairly soft be taken out of the mold about a week later? I made a honey soap thats a bit soft and I wanted to make sure if its ok to leave in the mold about a week in orden to harden it a bit...
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    almond butter

    Hi! I have tried shea but the smell is a little too strong for me. Maybe its the type of shea i use? The raw kind they sell at whole foods?...
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    Moldy soap?

    Adding ingredients like cocoa powder is not the problem. I've done it many times. However, i do think that maybe saran wrap was not the best choice to use as packaging particularly if you were shipping it and was coming from a tropical climate. Mold gros in humidity like wildfire. I live in...
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    Adding Honey?

    I make a honey and goats milk bar so frankly to this one i add very little water since i use a lot of honey (1/2 cup) and 1/2 cup goats milk. This is for a 2lb loaf bar.
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    preparing beeswax for soap?

    Personally, i have never had a problem with beeswax. However, i've never used beeswax straight out of the hive but already packaged and cleaned by a local bee keeper. So i would agree that you have to strain it first to draw out any parts of the comb, but for me melting the beeswax completely is...
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    almond butter

    Hello! Has anybody used almond butter that is used for consumption vs the one that is cosmetic grade? is there a difference? I love Lush's body butter (not technically a soap of course) and they say that they use almond butter, but I wonder which one it could be. has anyone succesfully made a...