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  1. Todd_in_Minnesota

    Advice on pouring overlapping inclines?

    Hey Zing, I hadn't considered the Alternating Wall Pour method... just never occurred to me. Thanks! Now that I see how you did it, I'm getting "big ideas". Like, what if I tried an in-the-pot swirl before I poured a section? If I did it right, each section would have its own color-mix, and...
  2. Todd_in_Minnesota

    Advice on pouring overlapping inclines?

    Hey not_ally - thanks for the links; excellent info. As you note, their process is to leave the oils, lye, scent, and colorant separate until each is needed to pour. That solves the problem of one color hardening too soon. My next-year Christmas soap is going to be much prettier!
  3. Todd_in_Minnesota

    Advice on pouring overlapping inclines?

    Thanks Ali - I hadn't thought of using a 'just-in-time accelerant'. Interesting idea!
  4. Todd_in_Minnesota

    Advice on pouring overlapping inclines?

    I'm hoping I can collect some wisdom and experience from this group... after my first trial went goofy. I had an idea for Christmas soap this year to pour red and green overlapping inclines (like the pencil drawing), but it didn't work out at all the way I hoped (picture). My struggle was with...
  5. Todd_in_Minnesota

    Insty-Trace fiasco...

    Hey Dibbles, Now that you mention it, I went back through my batch history and every time I use .6oz or more of YlangYlang, it's traced faster than I want. I'm finally seeing the light! (once somebody else shined it in my eyes). Thanks! Todd
  6. Todd_in_Minnesota

    Insty-Trace fiasco...

    A sad tale, and a question for the Forum. In a fit of creativity last night I decided to make one more batch for Christmas gifts... nothing complicated. Just some pretty colors, some nice scent, and some easy swirls. Little did I know. I mixed up a well-known recipe (lard based!) that...
  7. Todd_in_Minnesota

    First Mica line = epic fail

    My first try at this, I had the problem that the mica line was much thicker in the center of my mold than at the edges, because I was 'tinking' my tea-strainer more toward the center to avoid mica all over the edges of the mold. My solution was to cut cardboard (from the back of a pad of paper)...
  8. Todd_in_Minnesota

    Stones for Christmas

    Hey Kchay, I didn't know about jojoba beads until you mentioned them. I've been googling around and seeing lots of colors (like you said), and also found ground walnut shells. So many possibilities. Thanks! Todd
  9. Todd_in_Minnesota

    Stones for Christmas

    Hey Dibbles, Thanks for all the ideas. I've definitely got some experimenting to do. I haven't ever used salt, so probably the next step is ground poppy seeds, or the apricot seeds I already have. If it works, I'll post an update. Todd
  10. Todd_in_Minnesota

    Stones for Christmas

    Hmmm.... I did add some sparkle to the sandstone - just a hint. I didn't think of salt. That could be fun to try! Is that how you got the effect you posted at Your yellow/white/black swirl has exactly the speckle effect I'm after. An...
  11. Todd_in_Minnesota

    Stones for Christmas

    In the nicest possible way, I'm sure :> I'm also trying to find a way to get speckles in the limestone. Ideas?
  12. Todd_in_Minnesota

    Stones for Christmas

    So this year I'm working on a stone theme. Here are the four I've got so far: Lapis Lazuli - Frankincense/Orange Limestone - Bergamot/Frankincense/Basil Marble - Limon/Peony (this scent combo is a keeper!) Sandstone - Rosemary/Lily of the Valley I'm still tinkering the best process for even...
  13. Todd_in_Minnesota

    About commercial lard additives

    Thanks Gaspar, That was an exciting thread to read! Todd
  14. Todd_in_Minnesota

    Very simple - will it work?

    Thanks! Thanks all for your varied points of view. EffGent - I generally go 5% superfat, and after the feedback about 'cleansing', I might step this up a bit for my trial batch. I guess I'll try it as a test case, and as Rowan points out, it'll teach me something about how different oils...
  15. Todd_in_Minnesota

    Very simple - will it work?

    Hi All, I've finally started to look at the fatty acids in each vegetable oil, and try to devise new recipes. But I suspect there's a great deal more to it than the numbers. I did some analysis, and came up with a very simple 1st try: 40% Palm Kernel oil 60% Olive oil I'm interested in your...
  16. Todd_in_Minnesota

    Insty-Trace Bastile...

    Thanks all for the analysis. I guess my previous Bastile batches have just been lucky... this never happened before today. I'll switch olive oils, and drop my lye concentration back down a bit. Much appreciate the help! Todd
  17. Todd_in_Minnesota

    Insty-Trace Bastile...

    Well. THAT was a surprise. I just made a bastile batch, and it traced in seconds... liquid to frozen-ice-cream in under a minute. Here's what I made - maybe y'all can explain what happened? as per SoapCalc: 10% castor oil (3 oz) 90% olive oil pomace (27 oz) 45% lye concentration (4.6 oz water...
  18. Todd_in_Minnesota

    Finally getting a handle on swirling 3" PVC molds

    Thanks! Hey - Thanks DeeAnna, I suspect it's too late now... several weeks after I cut this batch. But I'll certainly keep that tip in mind. It never would have occurred to me. Todd
  19. Todd_in_Minnesota

    Finally getting a handle on swirling 3" PVC molds

    Thanks Navigator! I had to fabricate (another) tool, but this seems like a technique with possibilities... I'm going to keep tinkering. Todd
  20. Todd_in_Minnesota

    Finally getting a handle on swirling 3" PVC molds

    Hey Newbie, Thanks! I deliberately poured this batch much earlier than I usually do, to guarantee the batter would be swirl-able... most likely that's why it's crumblly/mealy. I much appreciate the insight. It sounds like a balancing act between 'traced enough to not be crumbly' and 'too...