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  1. T

    Bulk oil supplier in the UK???

    Thanks for your help, I finally can view each item :0) the price is good and will order some to try. Sent from my iPhone using Soap Making
  2. T

    Bulk oil supplier in the UK???

    BTW, do you know how can I view each item's detail? I couldn't find any item page apart from a list of what they have under each category.
  3. T

    Bulk oil supplier in the UK???

    I live in Sheffield and tried very hard to find local suppliers. I had a look on soapmakers store and the price seems very good. How about the quality of their stuff? X Sent from my iPhone using Soap Making
  4. T

    Bulk oil supplier in the UK???

    Hi all, I'm new to this forum and this is my first post :p I've been soaping for 2 years and keep buying 1kg tub of coconut and palm oils form a supplier. Recently I realized the price was actually very expensive :? (both around £8 for 1kg tub). Now I'm considering to buy in bulk but couldn't...