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    any recipes for people with skin problems? IE exzema?

    I read Neem oil is very good against psoriasis.
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    Beginner's Question

    Do those DOS do anything bad to your soap? Or is it just esthetically? I do use Grapeseed oil in my soaps and I've never seen them btw. I do have some pinkish spots in my coconut oil soap I made two days ago. It does not contain any grapeseed oil.
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    Oh definitely. I have an aloe and cucumber soap that both have coconut oil in it. As far as the Babassu, I've never seen it here, doubt I will be able to get it. Perhaps Rice Bran oil? I have seen that around. Sunflower oil? How about Mango butter? Then replace the almond with part mango/part shea.
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    I did not think of that. I thought nut allergies only happened when the nuts get eaten.
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    Hi, I tried my hand at a soap without Coconut oil (since some people are allergic to it), I figured I could call it CocoNOT. It is curing quite nicely I must say and getting harder. I used: 50% Olive 22% Almond oil 16% Soy Bean oil 7% Grapeseed oil 5% Castor oil. In a few days I'll have my...
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    Dried flowers for scent

    Is is possible to use dried flowers as a scent in your soap? I have these wonderful smelling little white flowers in my yard and I took them off and dried them. I put some of them in grapeseed oil to see if I could infuse the scent in oil, but that smells rather funky now (should I have used...
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    grapeseed oil

    I use grapeseed oil in my aloe soap because I want that one to be extra caring for the skin. I just checked the mentioned links and I'm thinking of maybe adding avocado oil to that soap as well. BTW I check this chart regularly on how much oil to use in my soap...
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    Why did my soap still get a partial gel?

    Update Yesterday I made another soap. I cooled my mold, I let the oils and lye cool down to 35 degrees and I put the soap in an air conditioned room. After three hours I checked and everything was fine (while normally it would be blazing hot). This morning I checked and I could see it was...
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    Shaving soap is soft

    I read somewhere that Castor oil makes your soap hard and you should use between 5 to 10%. So much different information... makes a persons head spin.
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    Why did my soap still get a partial gel?

    DeeAnna, I don't mind if my soaps gel, it means I can cut them faster, but I do mind them getting so extremely hot that I loose all decoration. And then I see other soaps with beautiful toppings being cut after 24 hours and I ask myself why I can't do that? But you all gave me some great ideas...
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    Why did my soap still get a partial gel?

    Thanks guys, this really helps. I'll get the mint of the plant and dry them to begin with and I'll work with cooler ingredients. I must add that I live in the tropics so room temperature for me between 28 to 33 degrees Celcius (±80 F). I can put the soap in an airconditioned room and see how...
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    Why did my soap still get a partial gel?

    Okay, thanks, I'll try that. Now that I think of it... the almond soap was colder when I soaped it. Could that also be the reason why my soaps get really hot if I do let them through a gelphase? If I make any decorations or swirls on top of my soap and let them gel I loose everything and...
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    Why did my soap still get a partial gel?

    I do use a thermometer and I soaped this around 50 degrees (Celsius). Should I go down to 40 degrees or even less?
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    Why did my soap still get a partial gel?

    Hi Guys, I am new to this forum and new to soap making. Started about a month ago and I must say it is quite addictive. I have read many online articles and this forum on the gelling phase of the soap. I also saw a few youtube video's on it. But I still have a question. Last week I made an...