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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. N

    Free fatty acids from soap for making ointment

    I was searching how to make a birch tar ointment, which was widely used when I was growing up in Ukraine. In one of the tutorial, as a base, the lady used fatty acid extracted from the home made soap. She diluted grinded soap with tons of lemon juice, then washed resulted fat in water until it...
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    Mission soap scraps

    Wanted to make more soap, but I REALLY don't need any more, and oils are so expensive... Sounds familiar?:cool: Since addiction always wins, I found an excuse to make more. I have tons of soap scraps, so I decided that it would be an honorable thing to use them. Of course, in the process I used...
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    What silicone to chose?

    I like how cool acrylic molds look. But they are expensive, so I decided to make my own. I also hate lining molds, so the next reasonable step was to make matching silicone mold. Took me 2 days and here what came out of the project. Everything is OK, except the silicone. I bought it on...
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    Overheated soap, my new favorite

    Did raindrop soap several day ago. Used indigo to color the base, the drops were supposed to be white, no color. Here is what came out of it Liked it so much that made another batch next day, with smaller drops and lightning The drops are sort of crumbly, but holding up very well. Planed it...
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    My unintended experiment and what came out of it

    Last week and made @IrishLass creamy cocoa/shea GLS. Liked it, but felt like it didn't have enough bubbles for me. So I went on a quest to make something similar, but bubblier. I searched through this forum, internet, couple books on liquid soap making and decided on this: I measured my...
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    deep fryer oil for soap making

    Just did some deep fried food yesterday, and ended up with about 300 ml of used grapeseed oil. Normally I end up putting it in the trash, we don't have oil recycling here, at least I don't know of one. So I am thinking about using it to make HP soap for washing dishes. Have anyone done it...
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    My dish washing soap bar

    Just got it out of the fridge, unmolded and cut. Looks so pretty. Can't wait to use it, now dishwashing is something to look forward to.
  8. N

    Rosin and ROE, where to buy it

    Hi, I am new to the forum as well as to soaping. Started about 2 months ago, my first cold processed soap is finally cured and feeling good. I made several hot processed with KOH and dual lye. So far so good. existing and encouraging. I found the thread about Zany's flaxseed shampoo and really...