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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. jeanemarie

    Hot weather melted my coconut oil

    My coconut oil is melted in the bucket due to the hot weather (and my lack of an air conditioner). I'm wondering if I can still use it in this melted state? Do I need to do something to it first? Will it measure the same? Does anyone have this problem when it gets above 80 degrees?
  2. jeanemarie

    Butyric acid smell using cow's milk

    This thread sort of continues ones from 2017 discussing baby vomit/cheesy smells in soap using cow's milk and one from 2020 discussing baking soda in soap. But I thought it best to just start a new thread. I want to use powdered cream in an Oatmeal, Cream & Honey soap but I am concerned about...
  3. jeanemarie

    Managing fragrance oils with vanilla/vanillin

    I'm relatively new to soapmaking & this forum but have come up with a question that might be of interest to other newbies. I am making a 76oz batch of coffee themed/scented soap. It will be divided into thirds - dark brown, light brown and white. My FO smells fantastic but discolors to dark...
  4. jeanemarie

    Using Lard in CP soap

    I've made soap for a couple of years now and love using lard. My issue is that I bought a new (to me) brand at the grocery (Morrell Snow Cap Lard) and it says that BHT and BHA are added to protect flavor. I don't remember seeing that on the other lard I've bought. Comments on using this in my...