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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. VikingChick

    Hidden SMF members?

    So, I’ve mentioned before that I travel a lot for my job (within the USA). The other day I had a thought, how cool would it be if I somehow came across, and could identify, another SMF member in my travels, whether it be in an airport, at one of the hospitals I visit, or heck, at a grocery store...
  2. VikingChick

    Washing tallow

    A while back, I bought a jar of wagyu tallow at the grocery store. I decided that I'd like to try using it in a cream or lotion. As an experiment, I took a little out of the jar and put it on my face (which has been super irritated lately)......and it smelled.....beefy. 🐮🤣🤣 I've seen mentioned...
  3. VikingChick

    CBD isolate in a salve

    So wouldn’t you know that the one product I made just to try, and took terrible notes, would be the one that my ILs love, and that their friend tried and wants some? 🤦🏻‍♀️ I made a pain salve based on a recipe from The Nerdy Farm Wife. It’s got dandelion-infused sunflower oil, arnica, tamanu...
  4. VikingChick

    Sea Water

    Hello! It’s been a minute! Life is nuts but I’m blessed to have just gotten back from a Hawaiian vacation! We’ve been planning it for months and it was so needed. I couldn’t leave the Pacific without some ocean water, which I fully intend to use to make some soap. So, question (even though it...
  5. VikingChick

    Saccharide Isomerate (aka Pentavitin)

    Has anyone tried saccharide isomerate in their skincare or lotions? I’m reading a little about it and it sounds intriguing. Like the next generation of hyaluronic acid (which I just recently bought but haven’t tried yet).
  6. VikingChick

    Wound care @ home

    So yesterday, I fell. 😩🙄 I was pretty close to the back door into my house, which is brick. I face planted right into the corner of a brick, and now I have a big gash on my forehead. I’ve also got pretty respectable scrapes on my left knee and elbow, and a couple of bumps. Nothing serious. But...
  7. VikingChick

    Cleansing Balm

    A while ago I tried a sample of facial cleansing balm that I’d received and fell in love. I’ve been oil cleansing for several years but as of late, it hasn’t really been working for me. I’ve mentioned in other areas that my current job requires a lot of travel (I’m currently on night #10 in the...
  8. VikingChick

    How do you choose your color palettes?

    I’m really struggling with choosing good sets of colors for my soaps. I pick colorants and group them together in ways that I think will be nice/fun/pretty, then when the soap is done, they look…..meh. Often they look like they were just randomly thrown together. Some of y’all come up with these...
  9. VikingChick

    Ok, this is an odd question…..

    …but has anyone ever tried using cologne as a fragrance oil for lotion? My daughter is here and we’re wanting to make some lotion for her husband. He loves Polo cologne and we plan to get some for him…and then I thought, could we make Polo-scented lotion for him? I’ve honestly never considered...
  10. VikingChick

    Fargo bound!

    We’re on our way to Fargo, North Dakota (aka “up nort”) for my son’s college graduation. Today as we passed through the Twin Cities, in my mind I waved hello to @dibbles and @Zing! :goodbye1:Stay warm, guys! 🥶
  11. VikingChick

    New pop-up ads

    I’m not crazy about these new pop-up ads that are showing up on SMF! I did, however, see one just now that made me think of our own @Ephemerella! 😂😂 Did you request this, girl? Like those “which ad experience do you prefer” things? LOL!!!
  12. VikingChick

    Tall & Skinny Mold

    Where did y'all get your tall & skinny molds? I'm finding myself with a gift card to burn and thought I'd invest in a nice wooden one with a silicone liner...maybe even a lid! Of course Nurture is sold out unless I want to buy a 9 lb mold (o_O). Does anyone have this one or know anything about...
  13. VikingChick

    VikingChick’s Soaps

    I don’t do a ton of soaps that I feel are photo-worthy, but I just love this one! It was made for the September Soap Challenge Club, but due to me being dumb and not following the rules for my entry category, this went into the bonus (i.e., non-competitive) round. Looking at my pics compared to...
  14. VikingChick

    Turning plastic into soap?

    I just came across this article and I thought it was pretty interesting. I know many of us got into soapmaking because we wanted to get away from synthetic products, but at least this would be a way to recycle all that plastic we throw away in this world. Chemists turned plastic waste into tiny...
  15. VikingChick

    Gojo-like soap

    Has anyone ever tried to make a waterless soap/cleanser for extra dirty hands? My farmer brother is interested in something that he could apply, rub, wipe off with a towel/rag, and have clean(ish) hands. Something he could have in the shop where he might not have access to a sink but needs to...
  16. VikingChick

    Uncolored and Unscented?!?

    A while ago, I made my husband some high-lard, uncolored and unscented soap because he was thinking that the revolving door of test soaps at the sinks throughout the house were bothering his skin. Turned out it was the Dawn Powerwash…ya think? LOL But the plain, high-lard soap (made using...
  17. VikingChick

    Social media

    Do we have a thread somewhere where we list the social media accounts of people who sell or just like to show off their creations? I’d love to follow some of y’all.
  18. VikingChick

    “Mel” in soap? Any German speakers here?

    Hi all, so I’m American but this week I’ve been vacationing in Bavaria (highly recommend, btw!). Of course I had to buy some soaps to try, but unfortunately only one came with an ingredient list. It’s called “honig-milch seife” - ok, honey and milk soap. One of the ingredients is “mel” which...
  19. VikingChick

    Ultimate Guide to Liquid Soap

    So I just bought and DL'd this e-book. I'm excited to go through it.......but am I really going to have to enter a password every time I want to open it? There's no way I'll ever remember what it is. It's super annoying!!
  20. VikingChick

    BTMS-50 in Lotion

    Hi y’all! I just bought some BTMS-50 because I’ve read (in here as well as other places) that’s it makes a nice, “dry” lotion (I hate greasy hands, especially while I’m at work!). Just curious how you use it? As the only emulsifier or in conjunction with another? Thanks! ❤️