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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. F

    Great Value tallow, lard, soy bean shortening??

    Hello everybody, bought a tub of gv tallow/lard shorting. Used it in last months wood grain challenge. It worked well. Has tallow, so it did trace quicker. But nothing drastic, just noticeably quicker. My question is shelf life? Anyone been using it. Longer than my 2 weeks? Is it prone to...
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    Dirty grubby bikers.......

    Hi everybody, went to a couple of part swap meets. And brought soap with me. No expectations, but did make some sales. Had a lot of fun. Even big grubby bikers. Like hand made soap.
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    Glycerin from Bio-diesel

    Hello everybody, somebody approached me Sunday. Ask about using the glycerin. Produced while making biodiesel fuel in soap. I had no idea what he was talking about. But did express my concern. About using it in personal care. Watched some ytube vids. But still know nothing about Biodiesel...
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    Unpleasant surprise.

    Hello everybody. Bought 2 new bowls as spares. But got an unpleasant surprise. On first use. I use a microwave to melt my oils. So, this did not go over very well. First thoughts were microwave going. It is that old. Never thought to look here for metal. Just posting this as something else...
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    It's a small world ......

    Ran into a relative at a craft fair. While on the road this weekend. Her girlfriend who makes soap also, had a table. On the way over for an introduction. "Oh, by the way. You know her husband." So and so. Took me a minute, but wow. So and so, her father and I. All worked together over 35...
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    Help me add a bottle.... Fall scents

    Hi everybody, Not that I need any help. Looking to add, 2-3. New to me fall scents. Autumn Woods(ng) is about as Fall as it gets. On my fo shelf. I am looking at witching hour(ng), autumn equinox(nur), comfort/joy(nur), and gypsies waters(nys). All companies that I have done business with. I...
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    Activated Charcoal....

    Hi, made a second batch. With activated charcoal in the bottom and ground oates in the top. Added a bit of honey to the top. To tan it up. Tea tree and peppermint. Keeps the nose clear for sure. Thanks for looking.
  8. F

    Maple season was a bust........

    Hi gang, maple season was terrible this year. So I'm making up for it. 11 batches, made new 4 loaf molds, and had a whole bunch of fun....... L to r... bird's of paradise(ng), fresh cut roses(ng), Bermuda triangle(ng), Egyptian dragon(ng) L to r... mango papaya (ng), cucumber melon(rustic)...
  9. F

    Fragrance discoloration.....

    Hi everybody. Thought I would post this picture. Show's a good example of fragrance discoloration. Made the bar on the left. Last Monday. On the right, last September. In this case, the discoloration adds to the look. This is "Barber shop 1920". Hope this helps.
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    Shave Soap Test batch #2, #3....

    Hi everybody, test results are back from the lab . . . . #2, stearic acid 60% shea butter 20% (test #1 had both shea and cocoa butters) coconut oil 15% castor oil 5% NaOH/KOH 40%/60% liquid : lye ratio 3.5:1 glycerin 10% (oil weight) super fat 6% #3, (this is my first put together...
  11. F

    Pinetar trace???

    Hi everybody, Another batch pinetar soap. No color, no fragrance. Just straight up pinetar. My original batch stayed pourable. For a reasonable amount of time. But this batch just did not want to trace. The recipe: OO 40% CO 20% Lard 40% Pinetar 10% (Bickmore Brand) Cocoa Butr 5% Castor...
  12. F

    Mooo soap project..... rendering Tallow, w/recipe. comments welcome

    Hi everybody. I have finally got my hands on some beef fat. Thought I would render my own tallow. Been doing some reading and here is what I've come up with.... trim fat best you can. melt in crock pot until clear. LO or HI heat setting?? Does it matter? Is there a time limit? Can you over...
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    Route 66....

    Hello everybody. Route 66 from New York Scents. 2 different recipes. On left 40 % lard (mmm... lard), on right 70% coconut w/pumice. For a mechanic type soap. Nice scent. Not over powering. Thanks for looking.
  14. F

    And the cut......

    Hi, pic from my soapathon. In order.... Nag Champa, Black raspberry vanilla, Honey suckle, Persephone's kiss, heavenly. Honey suckle accelerated some. Heavenly accelerated big time and got away from me. There are other issues also.
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    Box opener's (people)

    Hello everybody.... I loathe shrink wrap so. That I am willing to purchase boxes. My question is to people that sell in person. Markets, fairs, and the likes. Do you notice people opening the boxes to get a better look?? I have found a box with a window down the side. That will work for my T/S...
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    Initial inventory....

    Hi everybody. I know sales drives inventory. But what about initially?? You can't put 3 bar's on the shelf. And expect much. Would 2 dozen each. Of say 12 fragrances. Be too aggressive? Thanks.
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    Hi everybody. cough, 😜hack, sneeze, I think I gonna loose lunch, 🤢. Ya, this stuff is that BAD! IMHO! Who in there right mind. Would stand next to a Azadirachta indica tree. And think, that would make good soap. All's you get is one pic. did not want it in the house. Even the mold, lid...
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    The sum of my ambition......

    Hello everybody.... In January 2020, just when covid was taking off.... Was looking for something to bring added value to my small business. Had to be hand made (mine) and I could control the quality. Quilting?? Bird houses?? both would take up to much space in my shop. Watching YouTube...
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    Aleppo tribute soap...

    Hi everybody. Finally made my Aleppo soap. 80 % olive oil, 20% laurel berry oil. Used ZNSC recipe. Just with 20% Laurel Berry oil. Worked perfect. Forced gel. Cut @ 20 hours. It's Hard! man. Diy stamp. 2 1/2 x 2 1/2 blocks. Smells awesome. Stamp says "made by hand" in Arabic. Used an online...
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    Red Palm butter....

    Hello everybody. Used up last of Red Palm. Also added apricot kernel oil, avocado oil, Cocoa butter. Thanks for looking.