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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. MaryWaldman

    Fragrance oil recommendations for shampoo and conditioner?

    I just did a sample batch of shampoo and condition with Lavender and Fresh Herbs FO (from Candles & Supplies) at a scant 1%. Test subjects are not loving it, although it's a popular FO in my cold process shea butter soaps. Comments are "smells good in the bottle but not on my hair", "kind of...
  2. MaryWaldman

    Is the silicone mold causing this discoloration?

    I use the Brambleberry 12 cavity rectangular silicone mold for my cold process soap line. After each use I wash them in cold water, a little bit of dish detergent, rinse them, and allow them to air dry. I've never had a problem with this method, and have been using this set of molds for two...
  3. MaryWaldman

    Suggestions for custom silicone mold fabricator

    My soap making business is at the point where I'm ready to invest in a custom mold to standardize my products. We have bees, so I'm looking for a hex shape. Each finished bar would weigh 5 oz. I know my exact dimensions and have made a demo out of wood, and one out of Super Sculpty. Now I...
  4. MaryWaldman

    Ideas for storing FO test soap samples?

    Occasionally I will make a batch of my basic CP recipe then divide it and add a one ounce scent sample to each bowl. I then pour into small molds and let cure. After about three months I put the finished soap into individual ziplock bags labeled with the cook date, FO name, manufacturer, date...