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  1. Lindy

    Nurture's Micas

    Thank you Cosmo....
  2. Lindy

    Roses everywhere - cut picture pg 2

    Here it is cut. There is one more piece that is just one row.
  3. Lindy

    My first shaving soap is a success!

    I've used a straight (I have an antique one) and it was okay but those look really scary!
  4. Lindy

    Roses everywhere - cut picture pg 2

    Thank you KristaY - I cut it today I will take pictures tomorrow...
  5. Lindy

    Roses everywhere - cut picture pg 2

    Thank you Soapcakes....
  6. Lindy

    New and thoroughly confused already

    I'm a baker too but I know, especially in small batches how important it is to measure correctly as it is easier to ruin a small batch that is not weighed properly because your room for error is far less than if it was a larger batch.
  7. Lindy

    Making the jump from retail to wholesale

    One piece of advice with regards to wholesale. Do not take on more orders at the same time that you can handle. I did that and it was the most stressful of my life. It was terrible and I did lose a couple of clients over it.
  8. Lindy

    A Cream Soap Tutorial

    Deanna thank you for explaining it better than I can. I just know it works and that allows me to develop other soaps.
  9. Lindy

    A Cream Soap Tutorial

    Stearic Acid is just that - 100% Stearic where Shea butter et el has stearic in them By adding these you are increasing your superfat which reduces lather and adds greasiness.
  10. Lindy

    New and thoroughly confused already

    That is why once you have read things you can bring them to the proper forum and ask you questions. I am going to give you 2 pieces of advice immediately. The recipe you quoted cannot be preserved to hold the milk as it is raw and you are using too much, 12% is the maximum. Which brings me to...
  11. Lindy

    Retail storefront

    Canada is a different market and depending on where you are will determine the amount of success you will achieve. When I was running my Brick & Mortar I went in underfunded, that hurt. I also didn't choose my location well, so even though I was starting to break even I shut it down because...
  12. Lindy

    My first shaving soap is a success!

    \ I do have shreds on hand but I have grated on demand. I use a salad shooter. I store a bit of grated soap but not a large amount. Because I have a salad shooter it is really quick to grate the soap. I don't grate it until it has had time to cure.
  13. Lindy

    A Cream Soap Tutorial

    That much in free oils will not be friendly to the lather plus it will increase the SF something terrible. The Super Cream is not the same thing as the superfat, the super cream is to increase the density of the lather rather than increase the oil content.
  14. Lindy

    My first shaving soap is a success!

    You're welcome :D
  15. Lindy

    A Cream Soap Tutorial

    I am thrilled that you like it and that you were able to get it to work for you.
  16. Lindy

    My first shaving soap is a success!

    I grate the soap and then moisturize the grated soap then microwave in short burst until smooth. Once smooth and fluid enough to pour I add the fragrance. Voila scented soap ready to go to my customer. Little more time consuming than having them pick from the soaps available but I'm known for...
  17. Lindy

    A Cream Soap Tutorial

    It all depends on how much water you added. If you are wanting to do a sugar scrub with this then you keep adding sugar until it doesn't melt. Same if you wanted to make a salt scrub.
  18. Lindy

    Roses everywhere - cut picture pg 2

    Thank you I love it....
  19. Lindy

    Roses everywhere - cut picture pg 2

    Thank you everyone :) Aline is it really easy to use both getting the soap in and getting it back out. I was thrilled.
  20. Lindy

    Roses everywhere - cut picture pg 2

    Here are a couple of close-ups.