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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. homesteaders

    How do you find markets?

    How do you find markets / craft fairs to sell your soaps and other products? There are several Saturday Markets nearby -- within half an hour drive, but all I have found already have several soapers. One market only allows 40 vendors and has 4 soapers each week. One larger market has more...
  2. homesteaders

    Corrugated Plastic for M & P Mold

    Thank you both for the tips!!!! Good video on making a quick, simple soap mold. I'm just learning about M&P. Quite different from hp and cp.
  3. homesteaders

    Corrugated Plastic for M & P Mold

    Thank you. After posting, I thought it would be better to use hot glue at the seams rather than just tape. Maybe I'll line with freezer paper the first time, and dribble a little on the corrugated plastic to see if it comes off easily before trying an unlined mold. Thanks for the suggestions.
  4. homesteaders

    Corrugated Plastic for M & P Mold

    Thank you for letting me know! Sorry for the delay. I just saw your response.
  5. homesteaders

    Corrugated Plastic for M & P Mold

    I'd like to make a small loaf mold from a corrugated plastic sheet. I've never worked with melt & pour. I thought about just taping the mold together since it will be small -- about 1.5" x 1.5" x 8". Will I need to line the plastic sheet mold with butcher paper, as I normally do for hp and cp...
  6. homesteaders

    Making confetti rebatch?

    :lol: I thought your rebatch was very pretty --- until you mentioned the 1950's linoleum floor. I still think your soap is pretty though.
  7. homesteaders

    Dabbling with m&p

  8. homesteaders

    Soap Spoilage

    Thank you, DeeAnna. On the heat and hold for soap, I was talking about trying it for CP, with the idea that it might decrease the risk of DOS. I haven't done enough CP recently to know if DOS would even be a problem with my recipes, environment. I've never seen it with any of my HP soaps, and...
  9. homesteaders

    Soap Spoilage

    Until recently, I have always (~25 year) made hot process soap, and have never experienced DOS. I'm now starting to experiment with CP to try some techniques that have been difficult to impossible with HP. Until I started with CP, I had never even heard of DOS. I wondered if the extended period...
  10. homesteaders

    Pics of your Soap room :)

    :lol: on the cats! I have stumbled over kitties more than once, but thankfully, I wasn't carrying lye or hot oils. The first thing we are going to do is build floor to ceiling shelves on two walls. Hoping to find a used baker's rack for curing soap. Currently, soap is scattered throughout the...
  11. homesteaders

    Pics of your Soap room :)

    I would not like having closets with doors, either. Even with that, looks like you have quite a bit of storage space. Do you melt your oils in the kitchen, and then take them to your soap room to work? Our house is a split level, and I'm sure I'd trip over the dog sooner or later if I had to do...
  12. homesteaders

    Pics of your Soap room :)

    I'm so glad you started this thread! I've used my kitchen as my "soap room" all these years, but my husband now wants to turn half of our den into a soap room for me, and the rest into a big pantry/general storage room, which will also provide more room for molds and extra supplies. We've been...
  13. homesteaders

    Pine Tar: HP vs. CP. WOW!

    I generally use only tallow with the pine tar in HP, so I wanted to see what would happen using the same recipe (minus the SL and yogurt). I have a good supply of free grass-fed beef fat for tallow, so that's what I use most. I love soaps made with all (or mostly) tallow, but that wasn't such a...
  14. homesteaders

    Pine Tar: HP vs. CP. WOW!

    I have always made pine tar soap using hot process, but after reading so many threads and articles about how fast it moves and how difficult it is to work with, I decided to make a cold process batch today. NEVER AGAIN!:eek: What a difference!!! This was stiffer than my stiffest hp soaps. I...
  15. homesteaders

    Oils separating during hot process

    Same here. Every recipe. I use different oils and different recipes. Sometimes all olive oil, or all tallow, or different combinations of different oils. Recipe doesn't matter. It always goes through those stages, whether I use a crock pot or a double boiler. I usually go to a light or medium...
  16. homesteaders

    Oils separating during hot process

    When I do hot process really hot (fluid hot process, starting with oils at 200 degrees F), I often hardly notice the stages because it moves SO FAST! Different recipes behave differently. When I cook at lower temperatures, I notice every stage very clearly. I've always heard that "separation...
  17. homesteaders

    Butter EZ

    I am also interested in a pound or so.
  18. homesteaders

    Pine Tar ?

    Here's my thought, which is probably irrelevant here since I do Hot Process when I make pine tar soap, and you are probably doing CP. The recipe on the Nerdy Farm Wife is 75% liquid oil. My bars seem to stay a little on the soft and sticky side for several months if I go over 55% liquid oils...
  19. homesteaders

    Oils separating during hot process

    Yes, I often see it looking like pictures 2 - 5 at different times. That's normal in HP. If it stays the same for too long, I give it a quick stir and check the temperature because sometimes what's under the surface is quite different. I like that it happens IN the POT :thumbs:, rather than...
  20. homesteaders

    Oils separating during hot process

    Check your temperature before deciding that the crock pot is the problem. I have a small one that I use for test batches, and a large one for main batches. That big one gets much hotter, but I have just learned to adjust it. I keep it on warm once my oils are melted. Also, when I hot process...