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  1. G

    Apple Cider Vinegar Soap

    SO important! :thumbup:
  2. G

    Numbers on soap bar quality

    Ah, I have always thought of them as stripping and non-stripping -- only because I was under the impression that "cleansing" meant the amount of oils that were lifted from the skin, thus taking away all the dirt and debris trapped in that layer (the stratum corneum). Then after reading your...
  3. G

    New recipe ideas

    Some people just use the yolk. I use the whole egg because I hate trying to find something else to use the egg whites in and don't want to waste it! I hear that most people temper the egg -- warm the oils, then temper the egg into it, and then add the lye. That seemed like too much work to...
  4. G

    Best place to buy lye in bulk

    That's better than Essential Depot! If you buy 128lbs from Essential Depot, it's $2.45/lb. If you buy 192lbs, it's $2.05/lb. The Duda Diesel is $2.10/lb and you don't have to buy as much lye. Great find! :)
  5. G

    Sometimes you just get lucky

    I looks great! Unfortunately, it's hard to see the stamp on your soap. :( Is it the design disguising the stamp or the lighting?
  6. G

    Could this be lye pockets?

    Longer quality?
  7. G

    DOS caused by fragrance!

    I have found that I get "dreaded orange spots" more with soaps that are left out, as in, not stored in a plastic container that prevents air circulation. It makes sense if it's the oils/soap oxidizing. However, I haven't done any "scientific" experiments on it, just general observation.
  8. G

    Soda Ash Experiment

    I have gotten serious ash with my cold process/oven process bars that were uncovered! I should try the plastic wrap!
  9. G

    What size is your bar?

    That's 3.1 x 2 x 0.78 inches. It seems a lot smaller than the original posters (3.5 x 2.75 x 1 inches).
  10. G

    What size is your bar?

    I got some from Brambleberry, too! I haven't checked if they fit. My bars are 3.25 x 2.5 x 1 inches. They weigh between 4-4.5 oz.
  11. G

    Pine tar soap 10%

    I was thinking to add 5% as well. With your 30/40/30 mix, when adding the pine tar to your recipe, would you equally scrape off your percentages from those? I was thinking something along the lines of... Tallow 30% Olive oil 30% Coconut oil 15% Castor oil 5% Pine Tar 20% I have never made...
  12. G

    Numbers on soap bar quality

    I have wondered something similar to the original poster if not the exact same thing. I've heard some people say in making a "conditioning" bar, they look for a high conditioning number as well as a low cleansing number. Plus when you take into account superfatting, I never know what's...
  13. G

    Pine tar soap 10%

    I so want to try this! I really want to make one at 20% -- I don't know why, I just do. :) Goji, what percentage would you have added the castor oil, and which other oil would you take it from?
  14. G


    It sounds like you're happy with the outcome. :)
  15. G

    Get off my a$$ about lard!

    Susie is correct. Most people allergic to peanuts are allergic to the protein, not the fat. In my neck of the woods, and I would assume elsewhere too, people who have a serious allergy generally don't take or consume things from others. I have digestive issues. I have learned to identify...
  16. G

    Me too, please!!!

    I agree with, Susie. I love it! :) To me, it looks like you have enough product -- not cluttered and not sparse either. Great job!
  17. G

    Shrink wrap

    Bwahahaha, yes!!! If they only knew!
  18. G

    Local palm. Same thing?

    This is a very non-scientific explanation. Homogenized is when fat molecules are shoved into protein molecules making a mixture that separates (think milk) into one. The cream is being mixed and forced to stay with the rest of the milk. Hydrogenated is when hydrogen atoms are attached to a...
  19. G

    Shrink wrap

    Yes! I'm looking for minimal packaging as well! Actually, there are a few things that I'm looking for and haven't settled on the pros and cons. I love the way bars looked wrapped up with paper, a band, and a label. It's so neatly packaged. At the same time, I hate wrapping, and then I wonder...
  20. G

    Local palm. Same thing?

    This may be an entirely dumb question... but why would presumably pure fat need to be homogenized?