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  1. G

    50% Lye Solution

    What do you keep your oils in? I'm planning on purchasing a heating belt (for a 5gal bucket) so I can just dump x amount of premixed/preheated oils into a container and start soaping with my premixed lye. The cost of the belt has been holding me back a little. I hate measuring out all the lye...
  2. G

    Dissolving lye in hot water

    I'm glad you asked first! :)
  3. G

    50% Lye Solution

    I have a question about this. What's the point of a 50% lye solution if you still have to add water (and subsequently raise the heat)? Do some people ever make soap with that concentration? I was thinking about making a 33% lye solution because that's the most concentrated I've ever used, and...
  4. G

    Profit Margins

    Living in the 5th most expensive city in the U.S. (which is also right next to the 4th most expensive city), I can sell at a farmers market for a "reasonable" price anywhere from $10-$15 for a 4oz bar of soap. Go online to Etsy where everything is half that and I see hobbyists selling a 5oz bar...
  5. G

    Tallow score

    I read this as, "I now have 24lbs of beautiful of back fat." :shock: I need to go to bed now.
  6. G


    I love the design! I'm with JustBeachy about studying the graphic -- it's interesting. :) I love that you spell shoppe with the "pe" at the end. Classic.
  7. G

    End of the swirling experiments

    I love the Coconut Mango the best! :)
  8. G

    Drooling over this Soap Room!

    Ahh, gorgeous! :)
  9. G

    Soap Making with NaHCO3

    Sorry, I need to clarify. It seemed like you had a long post explaining that natural can be bad and synthetic can be good after the original poster said she was looking to make "all natural" soap. What could she have said differently to get the point across? The Gent seemed to understand what...
  10. G


    That looks great! :)
  11. G

    Soap Making with NaHCO3

    That's interesting about the law. I will have to look into that. Aside from legal technicalities, do you have a better word for "all natural"? The reason I ask is because I find it difficult to describe something as "being free of synthetic irritants". For example, I gave some soap to a...
  12. G

    Morph Happens

    Ha, I think my computer screen colors are off because you've posted other soaps and I didn't see any of the colors that the other posters were commenting about. :P
  13. G

    Soap Making with NaHCO3

    Oh my goodness, I hate seeing that! You'll have to prove me wrong, but I don't believe this is completely accurate. A person who hands you a bar of soap is not selling and is not held to any guidelines as a commercial soap maker. That aside, I'm assuming the difference between the...
  14. G

    Morph Happens

    Wow, it looks like it turned out how you planned! Or... unless the purple is supposed to be another shade of blue? It looks great though. :) I have used FD&C dyes to color soap and it morphs -- always. The Blue Oil Locking Mica that you used from Crafters Choice has these ingredients: Mica...
  15. G

    Eggnog no water- What do I need to know?

    This may or may not be useful. When I've made egg soap in the past, until it fully cured, it had a green hue and a weird smell. Both the color and the scent fade with curing, but don't let it freak you out. :)
  16. G

    Lotion bar questions

    Personally, I think the greasy feeling has partly to do with the shea butter. It's very heavy on the skin. Coconut oil can be heavy too; although, I don't know about fractioned coconut oil. Also, I have found that while olive oil is nice on the skin, avocado oil feels so much better. If I get...
  17. G

    Gift baskets

    Never sold a gift basket. I don't know why I thought it would be a good idea to make them because I don't even like buying gift baskets of any kind. Ha.
  18. G

    Difinitive WHEN on adding honey

    I made a high water hot process soap, and it warped terribly. Although, some claim theirs don't warp even using water at 100%. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong. The one time I used honey in a hot process batch, I added it after the cook. I didn't mix it all the way so it had golden brown...
  19. G

    Recipe Feedback pls

    My apologies, I thought you meant 5% avocado oil instead of 20% avocado, not in addition to. Please disregard what I said. :)
  20. G

    30% Cocoa Butter Too Much in Recipe?

    If you love it, who cares what the research says? See how it cures and if you still like it. Most of what you read are just guidelines anyway.