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  1. G

    50% Lye Solution?

    Yes! This is the biggest deterrent for me -- measuring out the lye! It's like, "Oh, I'd like to make..." then I think about what I need to prepare and think, "Ugh, lye. Maybe I'll make it tomorrow."
  2. G


    Welcome! :)
  3. G

    50% Lye Solution?

    This made me laugh. :) The point of keeping a 50% lye-50% water solution is so that you can readily add the amount of water necessary to make whatever concentration you want. You might want a 28% solution sometimes or a 33% solution. I almost always use 33% solution, so making a 50% solution...
  4. G

    Coloring Soap

    That was fascinating! I have never had glycerin rivers and was confused when people talked about them. I'm guessing it's because I've never added a ton of water to my soap. I assume people who are adding a lot of water are trying to slow down trace to work with fancy swirling techniques.
  5. G

    Help with cleansing number

    You don't need to turn it into ounces before going to grams. If you have 25% coconut oil and you're using a total of 1000g oils. Multiple 0.25 by 1000g will give you 250g. Just keep your units the same throughout -- it doesn't matter if you have 1000 grams, ounces, or pounds.
  6. G

    Psoriasis and coconut oil allergy

    I must have misread that. I didn't perceive it to mean that a person was randomly choosing a doctor to sue because of the information they read on the internet, but rather they were suing the non-doctor for free advice. Yes, there are a lot of frivolous lawsuits out there! Anyone can take out...
  7. G

    Slicing soap

    I loved your joke! :) Ha.
  8. G

    Psoriasis and coconut oil allergy

    Well, responsibility for malpractice is a little different, but I see where you're going with that. However, I do stand firm that it's the client who has to live with the consequences, and it would be wise of her take such responsibility. You cannot be sued for the advice you give. You can...
  9. G

    Psoriasis and coconut oil allergy

    Someone had mentioned, "let the doctor be responsible." I would like to point out that the doctor will never be responsible. The doctor isn't the one who has to live the rest of their life with whatever the consequences are -- the client will. Regardless of whom offers the solution to this...
  10. G

    Different spoon swirl-pic heavy

    I actually thought you were entering for a "Great Pain in the Butt Soap Cakes Challenge"... until you clarified. Ha. LOVE the soap by the way! It is absolutely fantastic!
  11. G

    Psoriasis and coconut oil allergy

    Sodium lauryl ether sulfate is also derived from coconuts. I guess it would depend on how specific the allergy is.
  12. G

    Vegetarian or carnivore?

    Ha, I was just going to say, "Where's omnivore? Why such extremes?"
  13. G

    When using a 50 lye/50 water masterbatch solution...

    I will try to explain this to the best of my limited knowledge. When water mixes with lye, it separates the lye into ions Na+ and OH-. It will continue to react (and produce heat) when more water is added until all the NaOH has separated into it's respective ions.
  14. G

    Shaving brushes?

    I would think that wet shavers are particular about their brushes and have bought the one they like. There are some pretty expensive ones out there! That being said, someone buying a "package" would most likely be a beginner, new to wet shaving. I would go with a basic cheap brush -- not...
  15. G

    When using a 50 lye/50 water masterbatch solution...

    The lye will heat up again, but only slightly. Also, it is perfectly fine to add the addition water straight to the oils. :)
  16. G

    Lard in shampoo bar?

    I make my shampoo bar with tallow, but I suppose that doesn't help you out since it's not lard -- no shea, though.
  17. G

    50% Lye Solution

    I have! Although, I just assumed it wouldn't get warm enough to melt the oils. I should just try it so I know for sure. :thumbup:
  18. G

    Profit Margins

    We must have been typing at the same time. You are spot on, EarthenStep! :)
  19. G

    Profit Margins

    I want to add to what JustBeachy said. "If your price doesn't stay within the realm of what the market in your area is willing pay, then you will not have to worry about your margin for very long. You won't be in business." While this is true, on the brighter side, there are many markets...