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  1. G

    Let's tell a story....

    a buck-toothed, horned
  2. G

    Recipe Feedback pls

    I added olive oil to make up the missing 20%. I've tweaked it, but tried to keep it as close to your recipe as possible. 40% Olive oil 20% Coconut oil 15% Palm kernel flakes 5% Castor oil 5% Avocado oil 5% Jojoba oil 4% Mango butter 3% Shea butter 3% Cocoa butter I think you'll find this has...
  3. G

    Recipe Feedback pls

    Maybe I'm missing something, but even with the additions it still does not seem to add up to 100% 20% coconut oil 5% avocado oil 5% castor oil 10% cocoa butter 15% PK flakes 10% Mango butter 5% jojoba 10% shea butter ----------------- 80% oils There's still 20% missing.
  4. G

    100%ish lard body cream

    Animal fats are so luxurious! :)
  5. G

    Wedding Soap

    Beautiful! I'm glad everything turned out so well! (I love her colors, by the way!) How did you do the stamping?
  6. G

    My CP recipes - advice please!

    Ahaha, I know what you mean! I have soap hidden everywhere! It's in my sock drawer, under the cabinets, in the cupboards, in the garage, on the fireplace mantle, on my desk... just to name a few. Let us know if you're experiments prove worthwhile. :)
  7. G

    My CP recipes - advice please!

    Have you heard of salt water soap? It's salt added to the lye water. It's 25% the weight of the water -- so 10 oz of water would be 2.5 oz of salt. It's less salt than a salt bar, but more than just adding a teaspoon or so to the lye water. Unlike a salt bar where the salt is crystaline, the...
  8. G

    Apple Cider Vinegar Soap

    My favorite shampoo bar is made with citric acid, but I want to try one with apple cider vinegar. If this thread is still live, I'll post pictures. :)
  9. G

    My first batch

    I applaud you for your strength to work slowly! I can't even begin to explain the thrill of having a beautiful looking bar, that smells wonderful, and has amazing bubbles and conditioning. It's a moment of pride when one's soap comes out perfect. :)
  10. G

    Making a Effective Butter

    One cream that I hear people raving about is 9 parts tallow to 1 part olive oil. Then, if you're daring, lavender and/or tea tree essential oils at 20 drops per 50 g. However, it may or may not be what you need. It is simple and (for some) very effective!
  11. G

    Etsy Shop Critiques?

    Sorry, but I think that when people take the cost of ingredients and multiply it by 4, then you are doing the market, not only yourself, a big disservice. Why should buying in bulk make your labor not as worthwhile? I know the cost of ingredients per bar. I know my monthly expenses. I also...
  12. G

    How long do you cure?

    I research my soaps daily... :wink:
  13. G

    I just want some lard, whole foods.

    Ha, good ol' southern cookin'! :)
  14. G

    Numbers on soap bar quality

    One of the things you had mentioned, I recognized from a soap book I downloaded on my Kindle (late 1800/early 1900)! :) Some of that old literature is a difficult read. Good for you to plug away and even more impressive to understand it!
  15. G

    Numbers on soap bar quality

    Thank-goodness! I was afraid you were going to recommend superfatting! On Soapcalc, I just leave it at the default of 5%. I heard people talking about superfatting at 8-20%, so I gave 10% a try and hated it. I don't have particularly sensitive skin, but I would like to make soap for others I...
  16. G

    I just want some lard, whole foods.

    Really? Whole Foods used to supply me with the best beef tallow -- grass-fed, organic, humanely raised, etc. I'm surprised they would act like that. If I had to guess, I would think that it's a personal issue with the employee in particular and not a a view of the store members/employees in...
  17. G

    Show # 2 under my belt!

    That looks great! I'm totally a fan! I would check out your booth if I saw you! :)
  18. G

    Pine tar soap 10%

    Have you worked with stearic acid before? I think it's a pain to work with; although, it's essential for the shave soap I make. It's melting point is 156.7F meaning that you would be soaping very hot!
  19. G

    Pine tar soap 10%

    You have inspired me. I have printed out the recipe from Soapcalc and am planning on making this tonight! :)
  20. G

    New recipe ideas

    Do you know how to make mayonnaise? It's *about* 1 cup oil to 1 egg yolk with up to 2 TBS of an acid like vinegar or lemon juice. Unless you get your mayonnaise from a health food store, it's most likely going to have a preservative of some sort. Hellmans/Best Foods makes mayonnaise, Kraft...