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  1. S

    grapeseed oil

    YES! I just ran your recipe through the soapcalc (adding in the grapeseed oil) to get the amounts in grams and it came to just what I was looking for, at least I think it did! I did go ahead and bump up the grapeseed a lil bit to 10% just to see what would happen and I think I'll be...
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    grapeseed oil

    I haven't considered it yet but I'm open to ideas. Also thanks for the recipe, I think I'll give it a try! :)
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    grapeseed oil

    Hi Hazel. Thanks for replying! No I only make soap! and the only reason i have this much grapeseed oil is because I found it deeply discounted and didn't want to pass it up. I think you're right. I will keep it to around 5% or so! doesn't sound like it's very good for soap at all...
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    grapeseed oil

    I have grapeseed oil (a full bottle) and want to use it but I usually like making mostly OO soap (with a little CO) does anyone know the properties of grapeseed? if i use it with mostly oo will my soap be too soft? or actually does anyone have a good recipe using these oils...
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    Plum Tea

    how did you get that color?
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    Where is the best place to buy colorants (specifically oxides)? thanks! :)
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    My first batch

    You have a great attitude! I have been soaping for about six months and I still find I have more questions with each batch of soap I make! My first soap was In October of 2011 hang in there! The people on this forum have great ideas!
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    My recent soaps!

    Here is a link to create your very own personalized stamp (made out of soap!) hope you enjoy (i think she only paid around $12-$15 for everything she needed and it looks great!
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    Lavender not good for boys (shampoo)?

    You ladies are hilarious! thanks for the laughs!
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    Lavender not good for boys (shampoo)?

    WHEW! Thanks! I'm glad to hear that! I thought it sounded wrong but wondered if anyone else had thoughts.
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    Lavender not good for boys (shampoo)?

    I just read this article about English Lavender from the University of Arkansas: Here's a portion of it: Lavender has long been a part of the herbal scene and is gaining new advocates as “aromatherapy” increases in popularity. Lavender oil is commercially extracted from this species and...
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    Soap sticking to liner

    If you don't want to rebatch it, I would just slice off the part you don't like (if that's possible) and see if that helps. I wonder if the liner was turned on the wrong side? still looks good to me anyway!
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    Kind of plain

    to me it looks like a yummy chocolate cake! :D
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    egg yolk soap

    thanks again. please disregard my question! That thread was great! (i will use the search button from now on---i promise)!
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    egg yolk soap

    I have also been hearing about using egg yolks in soap (supposed to be good for the skin) so does anyone use yolks or the white part of the egg? just curious.....
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    Question about Salt Soap

    :wink: OK thank you
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    Question about Salt Soap

    I am fairly new to soaping and I keep hearing everyone talk about salt soaps. What is the benefit of making salt soap. I have heard they're using sea salt. can someone enlighten me, maybe I will add salt to my soap too! :) thanks for reading
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    Soap Rock Tut

    Your soaps are incredible! I'm impressed :D
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    First Salt Soap

    Great. Thanks! I'm going to give it a try. I'm embarassed to say it but I've never added salt to my soaps (I'm not familiar with salt- soap making) :oops: