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  1. J

    Color blocks m&p

    I'm also new to soaping. To start out I bought life of the party's soap making 101 kit. Here's how they say to make a checkerboard soap bar: 1) you will need approximately 1/2C of melted white soap for the first step of this project. 2) add a few drops of fragrance to melted soap, and stir with...
  2. J


    Thank you everyone for your input. I am wanting this soap for when I go out hunting. I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner.
  3. J


    Can anyone recommend a FO or EO that would make a good sent for going into the woods during hunting season? I bought cedarwood but I'm not sure if this is a good one or not. Thank you in advance.
  4. J

    Melt and Pour base

    Vinegar? Why would anyone use vinegar to treat a burn? With some chem. burns you would flush it with cool water. But other wise its rap them in a clean sterile dressing and depending on the severity of the burn get to the hospital.
  5. J

    Melt and Pour base

    Can anyone recommend a good book or somewhere I can find a good melt and pour base recipe. I only just learned from reading on here that there are better ones then what I can buy from my local craft stores. Also I would like to know a good book on cp as it's something I'm interested in. I will...
  6. J


    Today I just made my first batch of glycerin soap with my kids and I'm wanting to learn more about soap making. I have found some things on Pinterest that I want to try once I get more experience. Me and my wife decided to try making glycerin soap to save money and because our kids have...