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  1. Sagebrush

    Soap related humor & MEMES with soap on their mind

    Here's one for you, DeeAnna! :)
  2. Sagebrush

    Show your January 2016 Soaps!

    Yesterday, I made an HP juniper and oatmeal batch, then a double batch CP charcoal with frankincense. Sorry, no pictures. :(
  3. Sagebrush

    These are my crocheted wash cloths

    These are wonderful! And I'm glad you use 100% cotton. :)
  4. Sagebrush


    I've used indigo powder several times and always at about 1/2 teaspoon per lb of oils. I add it to my lye too, otherwise I have trouble with it mixing in. I've attached three photos: 1) The indigo in just a regular CP. I love this brilliance the best. 2) My salt soap batter. It has a greenish...
  5. Sagebrush

    Show your January 2016 Soaps!

    Last week, I made a double batch of tomato soap (with tomato purée I froze this fall after acquiring fresh tomatoes from a local farm). Yesterday, I made a double batch of salt bars with tangerine and lemon EOs. I swirled salt bars for the first time, using a bit of paprika-infused oil for the...
  6. Sagebrush

    Show your January 2016 Soaps!

    MySoapyHeart, I can smell your soap from here! :) I've used blended ginger and kept the fiber in my soap a couple times. It's not scratchy; it stays soft and is minimal enough that it doesn't get stuck in drains. It might save you some trouble to just keep it in. :)
  7. Sagebrush

    Because we all need a laugh once in a while...

    Had to contribute as well. :)
  8. Sagebrush

    Coconut red curry with chick peas, red lentils, bnut squash and spinach

    Ooh, this sounds like a lovely winter dish. I just glanced at the title of the thread as I was scrolling through and it caught my eye because I'm pretty sure I have most of the ingredients (or good substitutes) on hand!
  9. Sagebrush

    Soap related humor & MEMES with soap on their mind

    I want to save ALL of these!!!
  10. Sagebrush

    Show your January 2016 Soaps!

    Last week, I made a lemongrass and turmeric hot process (no picture). Made a (CP) double batch of orange and fennel yesterday. Trying to stay motivated this month!
  11. Sagebrush

    Beer soap process

    I agree with spenny that most of the "beer scent" doesn't survive the soap-making process. I don't smell beer in my finished product (neither do the majority of my customers), but a small percentage smell, or claim to smell, beer. It's usually those who don't like the smell of beer, however! :)...
  12. Sagebrush

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    People either love or hate the anise/licorice smell. But when they like it, they love it! :)
  13. Sagebrush

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I made soap using fresh puréed tomatoes yesterday for the first time and i kept the temperatures low enough that it didn't turn brown. I'm hoping that the color stays and the tomato doesn't go bad.
  14. Sagebrush

    Beer soap process

    Cool! Yeah, it's nice to find other local soapers on here! :)
  15. Sagebrush

    Home grown blueberries

    That's awesome! :)
  16. Sagebrush

    You know you're a crazy soap person when...

    Ha ha!!! That's great! :)
  17. Sagebrush

    Beer soap process

    SplendorSoaps, the hops don't have any exfoliating effects just because they're so soft and ground too finely. I add them for their benefits (which, I guess, may be debatable whether or not they survive saponification). I just like their addition in the beer soap, so there's double hoppyness :)...
  18. Sagebrush

    You know you're a crazy soap person when...

    He really absorbs more than I think sometimes :)
  19. Sagebrush

    You know you're a crazy soap person when...

    When you tell your 6-year-old son that you're going to make soap and he asks "cold process or hot process?"
  20. Sagebrush

    Salt Bar

    I like how fast they get hard too. Having to cut them right away makes me feel like I've gotten more accomplished that day! :) Plus, my salt bars are the only batches I don't have to wait for my husband to help cut. We do the whole two-person fish-line with gloves cutting technique. That's a...