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  1. Sagebrush

    Iowa Nice.

    Yes, this is exactly it! And when we don't treat ourselves with respect, it's hard to take care of (be nice) to those around us when we need to. By the way, DeeAnna, I love your jingle bells and your leather work! Don't worry, though...I won't be trying to arrange a visit to your shop!
  2. Sagebrush

    Iowa Nice.

    Oh, boy. I feel like this topic is ever-present in my life. Sometimes I'm great at saying "no" and proud of myself and other times I feel gross and then ruminate on everything I did wrong and how the person hates me now for saying "no". I'm originally from Michigan, so I'm Michigan Nice plus...
  3. Sagebrush

    Thread titles and my very strange mind.

    "What is this?" Looks like a bar of soap to me.
  4. Sagebrush

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Yes! So true! And, of course, this was the only place I posted one else would understand!
  5. Sagebrush

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    My husband was helping me cut a few batches of soap last night and we realized that one batch was the color and design of a giraffe, so this happened:
  6. Sagebrush

    Soap related humor & MEMES with soap on their mind

    That's funny! Fight Club was my favorite movie way before I even thought about making soap, so I love it when people make references to it. The second rule of soap club is also that you don't talk about soap club.
  7. Sagebrush

    Murmuration of starlings

    Wow. So breath-taking and almost magical! I grew up in Michigan and sometimes we'd have small flocks of starlings clustered in trees chattering away but never anything even close to this.
  8. Sagebrush

    Food ... oh, I mean soap ... photography!

    We definitely watched Wild America too. Nova was more sciency, but still involved the outdoors and animals a lot (I's been a while).
  9. Sagebrush

    Food ... oh, I mean soap ... photography!

    Arimara, I realize that now that I'm an adult! Being the person I am now who loves to cook, I probably would've learned some tricks and recipes earlier on! I would've loved watching Julia Child too. Instead, we just watched a lot of "boring" Nova and nature shows with my dad. Ha ha!
  10. Sagebrush

    Smoky Woods

    I love that name, BusyHands! It looks gorgeous and evocative of a smoky woods.
  11. Sagebrush

    Food ... oh, I mean soap ... photography!

    Great article! I'm still trying to get better at taking and making time for the photography of my soap. "If your mouth doesn't water when editing your photos, you did something wrong." We all have the same Pavlovian response to well-photographed soap, right? We watched a lot of PBS growing...
  12. Sagebrush

    Soap related humor & MEMES with soap on their mind

    Nice one, DeeAnna!
  13. Sagebrush

    Show your January 2016 Soaps!

    Skayc1, those are gorgeous!
  14. Sagebrush

    What are you reading?

    Nice. :)
  15. Sagebrush

    What are you reading?

    MsHarryWinston, what's your novel about? :)
  16. Sagebrush

    What are you reading?

    I very rarely have time to read, but when I do it's mostly non-fiction (I know, boring!). These are a few of my in-the-middle-of-reading not-sure-when-I'll-finish-them books right now: "What To Eat" by Marion Nestle "Eating On The Wild Side" by Jo Robinson "The Confidence Code: The Science...
  17. Sagebrush

    Soap related humor & MEMES with soap on their mind

    You have some really great intelligent input, DeeAnna! I haven't had to directly summon your knowledge, but I know that we all benefit from it. :) P.S. I only recently discovered how to create memes too. It's a lot of fun!
  18. Sagebrush

    Show your January 2016 Soaps!

    Made a double batch with frankincense and orange EOs using squash beer from a local brewery and fresh (frozen) pumpkin from a local farm. I'll post pictures once I have them cut...they don't look pretty yet. :)