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  1. Sagebrush

    What's everyone watching on TV?

    This is WHEN I have time to watch tv, like when I'm labeling soap. Chef's Table Parenthood Key and Peele Portlandia Workaholics Saturday Night Live (I used to have favorite "eras" of SNL then someone described it to me like baseball team: the players continually change but it's still your...
  2. Sagebrush

    Soap related humor & MEMES with soap on their mind

    Love it! Ha ha ha!
  3. Sagebrush

    Thread titles and my very strange mind.

    Australian Vegetable Shortening. Is this only being done in Australia? Are they shortening the vegetables in order to concentrate the nutrients? Are vegetables just way too long in Australia? I have so many questions!
  4. Sagebrush

    Moist salt bars

    I'm in Seattle too and I have trouble with weepy salt bars when the weather isn't dry. My packaging is paper, so sometimes I have to repackage when it's really bad. A few times at my market this winter, all my other bars stayed dry but my salt bars were attracting the moisture from the air all day!
  5. Sagebrush

    So what are YOUR soapy secrets?

    I'm a bucket hoarder and a box hoarder. I've always hoarded boxes, but after I started selling soap, it got worse! I know exactly how many wrapped batches will fit in certain boxes and I have certain boxes I like best.
  6. Sagebrush

    EO with Sweet Scent

    Ok, that must be why. Thanks, DeeAnna! I'm going to have to look more into that. I often have trouble finding out what type of cedarwood an EO is because it's not always listed. But you're going to get very different scents from each type. I'm sure I could email the companies, but I'm too lazy.
  7. Sagebrush

    EO with Sweet Scent

    Cedarwood can also smell a lot like vanilla and is cheaper than vanilla. There's cedarwood that smells like cedar wood (particularly Texas cedarwood, at least in my experience), but then there's the type with vanilla notes. You'll probably have to read descriptions before you buy. I was using...
  8. Sagebrush

    So what are YOUR soapy secrets?

    I'm finding bits and pieces of my soaping habits in all of your posts! I'm definitely a scraper (but not compulsively so). I've used the same Pyrex measuring container for my lye mixture for six years. I have to make sure my kitchen is clean before I start measuring out oils and other...
  9. Sagebrush

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I love it! That's the best soap dish ever!
  10. Sagebrush

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I finally made a batch of soap after being worried that I had come down with a case of "soap gremlins". But everything turned out lovely.
  11. Sagebrush

    My new soap labels

    I second everyone else! They're gorgeous, clean, and classy. Nice work!
  12. Sagebrush

    Soap related humor & MEMES with soap on their mind

    That's too bad, but at least you have the picture for April Fool's Day.
  13. Sagebrush

    Soap related humor & MEMES with soap on their mind

    I think that's hilarious! And even funnier if you have it available to buy and people buy it!!!
  14. Sagebrush

    My new answer to the "Soap Making Process" question

    Sounds about right for my process too! Monday, I was planning on making a batch but managed to only wash the previous soap dishes (from a week ago) and wash my molds.
  15. Sagebrush

    Chased away the soap gremlins!

    Oooh...very pretty! Looks like flames and paisley.
  16. Sagebrush


    I love Instagram too! It's almost as bad/good as Pinterest when it comes to following rabbit trails and hashtag trails. My soapy Instagram is @sageonthemountain.
  17. Sagebrush

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    That's good to know, TBandCW! I haven't really been successful with unscented soaps in the past, but this one would've had more going on (salt, color, etc) than my purposely unscented soaps in the past.
  18. Sagebrush

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Made a double batch of salt bars and forgot my essential oils! First time for everything, right? Fortunately, I was able to pour them out of the molds, add the EOs, and get them back in the mold with no problem. I poured a little early to begin with, so all was good. Whew!
  19. Sagebrush

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    They look great, handavaka!
  20. Sagebrush


    I think punctuation also plays into it. I (over)use the word "nice" a lot, but when I really like a soap I'll say "nice!then also add more complementary dialogue. I like EG's idea to start referring to soaps as handsome. We could get very creative with our adjectives..."That's a debonair bar...