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    Help Troubleshooting Bath Bombs

    Oh, sorry Gwen, I meant vmakkers. I somehow thought you made the thread. Edited.
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    To you a warm welcome as well. Your herbalist education sounds really interesting!
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    Greets from Down Under!

    Hi guys! Thanks for the welcoming committee! :mrgreen: @ Jozua Holland is not really our country (anymore) I guess, at least thats what it feels like.. We'll just see where we will end up! Pretty hard to live spontaneous like that sometimes! I/We love the Australian attitude. Just lovely...
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    Coffs Harbour, Australia calling.........

    Welcome and greets from NSW. ;)
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    (cheap) Packaging for Bath Salts

    Hey guys, I'm just brainstorming about a not too expensive packaging solution for Bath Salts! I do have a couple of jars/tubs for my other products, like scrubs and such but I'd like to keep it fairly cheap. I used to get these really cute small jars (see picture) but these guys are $2-3...
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    Help Troubleshooting Bath Bombs

    I can understand your frustration when I see the video, haha. Vmakkers, what kind of essential oils are you using as a fragrance? Might that be the problem when it is developing the spots afterwards? Could you pop up a picture of the bath bombs as well so we can take a look at those spots?
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    Greets from Down Under!

    Hi guys! I have been browsing on the forum for a while, as a fairly new soap addict, but I just noticed I haven't introduced myself yet. :) So here it goes! I'm Stephanie, 25 years old and I'm from the Netherlands! One year ago, in February, I moved to Australia - Sydney together with my...
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    How to replicate this particular soap's style?

    Those are awesome! Especially the Halloween one. :) There has to be a soap mould for that one, maybe individually or a column mould like the leaf one Obsidian just posted. If it's the column mould, it should be fairly simple, right? Pre-make the transparant ones (eyes, mouth) and put it in...
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    M&P immediate skin forming while pouring in mould

    Aw! Thanks guys. :D As you can see, the soap was a indeed very thick one. I'm surprised it worked actually, since I was barely able to swirl/fold it.
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    M&P immediate skin forming while pouring in mould

    Hi guys, Thanks for the tips! Sorry for the late response, I didn't receive any notifications until today. :razz: I am using the same base when I'm doing this. So from the same manufacturer. I think the quality is very good. And if not, that would kinda suck since this is the only Soap...
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    M&P immediate skin forming while pouring in mould

    Hi lsg. Thanks, but that doesn't really answer my questions though... :) I have seen a lot of video's, especially SoapQueen's, I haven't seen any of the soaps behave like mine does..
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    M&P immediate skin forming while pouring in mould

    Hi guys! I'm new to this forum and I've only been in to Melt & Pour Soapmaking for a couple of months now, together with bath salts, lotions and that sort of stuff. :mrgreen: And I love it! I'm sort of on the breaking point of switching (or at least trying it out first) to Cold Process...
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    Rookie wants to make shaving soap

    There are several types of soap. Every type of soap has it's own qualities. So it's not really cheating. Yes, it's way easier then making your own soap. Still, if you haven't made any soaps yet so far, it's a good way to start. Build your way up from there and you'll learn in the process...
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    Rookie wants to make shaving soap

    Oh, love making shaving soap. My boyfriend absolutely loves it. Made it as a Christmas present last year and put it in a nice mug. I actually started with melt & pour shaving soap. Might be a good idea for you as well, if you just stated making soap. Good luck! x