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  1. L

    Moar soap!

    They're so pretty! Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  2. L

    My First Honey Soap

    So, after some fail batches under my belt (they're all useable, just not pretty at all), I finally got this beauty. I only colored the blue part with food dye. The rest is supposed to be white! I have no idea what caused them to become deep orange like that, perhaps the honey or citrusy FO...
  3. L

    Natural soap colorants - need ideas

    I read somewhere that purple cabbage will stink up your soap, but it'll be cool if it works. I have the same problem finding micas and pigments locally. I ordered rosella flower extract to see how it'll turn out. Will let you guys know how it turns out. Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  4. L

    Lye solution ended up being too soap still okay?

    Looks pretty to me! Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  5. L

    Lye solution ended up being too soap still okay?

    I soap at room temp most of the time, or I let the lye cool to around 100 degrees and mix with room temp oils. As long as the oils are liquid and not colder than room temp, I've never had seizing problems. All my seizing problems are caused by FO. I live in tropic though, so my room temp is...
  6. L

    First real color swirl!

    That's gorgeous! Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  7. L

    Ended up with undissolved lye

    I just bought and used silicon molds and the soap didn't unmold smoothly at all, some still stuck on the bottom, esp since the soap is so soft. I wonder how those people use silicon with very intricate details to work, such as seventhtreesoaps on Etsy. Her owl soaps are so lovely! Sent from...
  8. L

    Envious, jealous & (a little) frustrated.

    Thanks a lot, Dagmar! Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  9. L

    Envious, jealous & (a little) frustrated.

    This might sound like a very dumb question, but what exactly is oleoresin and how is it different from essential oil or absolute? Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  10. L

    Can I see your hot process pics?

    They look so rustic and natural! I love it. Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  11. L

    First CP batch. Feedback please (with pics)

    Pretty! What do you use to color the top? Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  12. L

    Best place for curing

    Coconut oil is really cheap compared to other oils in my country, so I think it'll be perfect to learn adding other ingredients, coloring, swirling, etc without wasting a lot of money in case they fail. Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  13. L

    Packaging Poll

    I like no 3 best. So cute! But no 4 for simplicity and cost effectiveness. Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  14. L

    Best place for curing

    Thanks for the advice too. I also live in tropic and I'm about to try 100% coconut oil soap this weekend. I read on that superfatting it 20% will help it more moisturizing and less drying. Any thought about that? Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  15. L

    Christmas Soap

    That's super gorgeous! Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  16. L

    First soap!

    Thanks all! I'm really excited. I'm going to make second batch tomorrow. This time I'll try palm, coconut, and rice bran oil using cake silicon mold. I try using a soap ball for shower and it works great. However, the scent doesn't stay at all. :p Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  17. L

    First soap!

    Hi Lanto. The white streak isn't as bad as those threads, but maybe it's unsaponified oil? I live in tropic so our room temp is higher, usually above 76. Palm oil and coconut oil is always liquid here unless we put them in fridge. Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  18. L

    First soap!

    Hi Rose. Yeah, I've been using handmade soap bars for years. I read Zensoap single oil soap test page and think perhaps it's the palm oil that gives it waxy feeling? Sent from my iPad using Soap Making
  19. L

    First soap!

    I finally made my first batch of soap! I added the lye to the oil after it reached 110 degrees but the oil is in room temperature. My Science teacher friend said it'd work. The trace happened within minutes. I cut it in less than 24 hours because I was so impatient. Lol. I used milk cartons as...
  20. L

    Lip Balm Shimmer

    That's so gorgeous! Want!! Sent from my iPad using Soap Making