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  1. E

    Correct water percentage for Bastille soap

    That and maybe let them cure a little longer too. As long as they keep losing weight, they aren't totally dry yet. I use 60% olive oil and a 1:2 NaOH to water solution in my soaps and have found I have to wait 4 months :shock: in order for them to have a satisfactory longevity. I use very little...
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    Welcome! Nice soaps!!
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    Tell us something about you

    What a nice idea this thread!! So good to learn something more about all of you! I dedicate nearly all my free time to soap, making it, reading about it, experimenting with it, talking about it and thinking of it! :) I love travelling and am really fortunate to have visited a lot of places in...
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    Help me save/use this batch

    Or you can make small balls and put them inside a new soap or fine tubes or other shapes. I wouldn't throw it away either, especially if it's already colored!
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    Strange dark ring

    They look so yummie!!! Great job!!!
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    How to clean up Soaps: Drag Marks where inclusions, embeds and additives are used as

    I have the same problem with dragging marks with calendula petals... But for the second problem, I managed to get the draggings of a clay made pencil line off rubbing the bar softly with a wet piece of cloth. Maybe you can try that, I hope it helps...
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    Easy to make wood mold.

    What a great idea! I 've made my own molds but they are so simple compared to that.. Nice work! I really love its flexibility!
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    Major price increase in olive oil

    Snappyllama, what an interesting video! Thanks for sharing.. How sad, I 'd never thought of this...
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    By The Sea

    Wow!! I have been thinking of making something like that with a sand bottom and waves on top and now you gave me the picture!!! I only hope it looks that awsome when I finally try it!!
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    Major price increase in olive oil

    Report from Greece: Until now, everyone I know of or have heard of having olive trees has had an incredibly great production, way better than last year's, as JustBeachy's sources predicted. So, no fear for oo! The cocoa problem will indeed be disturbing...
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    Does this look normal?

    I just wanted to add that I like your bars a lot! Both purple and blue "version"! :)
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    Mystic Moments (UK Supplier)

    Thank you all for the replies! I just went on to make the order some hours ago and now it says it 's already shipped! That really is impressive! I hope the products are that good as well! I sent them an inquiry asking if the FOs are suitable for CP and they said they think yes but they are not...
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    We have a WINNER!!!!

    It 's wonderful!!! Congratulations, Amy!!!
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    Which label

    I agree with Relle and TEG, I 'd like the name to be bigger so that it would catch my eye first. And one more vote for having the loons together. As a mathematician, I only very recently started to enjoy the lack of total symmetry, I find it has a kind of grace and "personality". However, in...
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    Mystic Moments (UK Supplier)

    Hello everybody!! I 've been very busy lately and missed a lot of the forum action so I feel a little bad entering just because I have a question but it is urgent... My sister is going to make a last-minute trip in London next week so I thought I could take advantage... :-D Problem is, I 'll...
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    Peak Envy

    Haha! I have conquered that technique!! :p
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    Help!... or aka "how I screwed up this time"

    Oh, I am so sorry for this... I read your post and got almost scared... But then started thinking with what 's left of my brain after a big chaos at work... The oils are supposed to float, water stays down as well as soda, no? So with a little stirring, a little waiting and a little luck...
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    Swirly salt bars

    It 's a fairy soap!!! So nice, love it!!
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    Patchouli and Lemongrass

    I had a similar reaccion when I first bought EO Patchouli. I was very disappointed and wondered what to do with it... But as you did, I decided to face it to the end, so many people love it, it couldnt be that awful! Patience and persistence pays off! Good for you!! :smile: