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  1. C

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Lisa from I dream in Soap cuts some of her embeds on a softer surface like a towel or rag to minimize damaging the shape of an embed.
  2. C

    What Bath & Body Thing Have You Done Today?

    That's not good news. Just looked at a listing (not the same as mine) from 50th ammendment that states not lip safe. Another company listed the 51st ammendment and it shows .78% for Category 1. 💁‍♀️
  3. C

    What Bath & Body Thing Have You Done Today? You might like this lip balm. It's the only one I make (personal use only). I use a few drops of cocoa absolute instead of Peppermint EO. It's not for everyone but I love it. I like that it doesn't look glossy on the lips.
  4. C

    What soapy thing have you done today?
  5. C

    Need help on my percentages (receipe)

    This might help.
  6. C

    A lye work-around or a misleading claim?

    Here are some examples of syndet bars. I think your friend needs at least some idea of ingredients used in this class before signing up. No point spending a lot of money on something they may not be able to use. Some of these recipes could...
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    A lye work-around or a misleading claim?

    Hi Chaiat5, my guess would be a syndet bar. No lye but made with synthetic detergents. Just did a quick Google search and found this website. A lot of people use these for hair (lower ph than soap) but they can also be used instead...
  8. C

    How much aloe powder to water?

    100x aloe powder is 1 part powder to 99 parts water. My guess with this product would be equal parts powder to water. Their website isn't helpful either. 😞
  9. C

    Face Soap

    EO = Essential Oil ppo = per pound of oil Here is a link to a very helpful list of abbreviations
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    Pumpkin puree

    George from Dawn Organics (Youtube) uses 10% Cedarwood Atlas to help anchor his 10 fold Orange EO. Found out about it from another maker who says it works. No personal experience yet but next time I use Orange EO in soap I will give it a try.
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    Grams vs. Ounces

    For me it's more about weighing ingredients, not so much whether in oz. or grams. Would love baking recipes by weight rather than cups. Use whichever method works best as long as you use a scale.
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    Grams vs. Ounces

    I certainly could be wrong but in this scenario isn't the difference .005 grams (283.5 g minus 283.495 g) making the gram weight more precise? I grew up with the metric system but have lived in the states so long that ounces, cups, pints, gallons, 12" to a foot and 16 oz to a pound are very...
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    Conditioner Bars with ACV or Citric Acid?

    Hi, I just watched a YouTube video about making shampoo bars and she included apple cider vinegar powder. Recipe included. Not conditioner bars but may help anyway. Claudia
  14. C

    Coffee soap drama Not cheap.