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  1. B

    Hot process oven process help

    I've been doing OPHP for around 20 years now; I'm a lazy soaper and I've never cared about finely detailed swirls, though I have gotten some nice in the pot swirls with OPHP. Here's what I do in a nutshell. Use full water discount, blend to a heavy trace and pop in an 180F oven with a lid on...
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    Lotion making and stick blending

    It can take up to 24 hours for a lotion to "thicken" as it cools down. You can speed up the process by using an ice bath when you stick blend your lotion.
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    Your thoughts on Tussah Silk?

    I've used tussah silk in the past for a few years in all my soaps. I'd have my son pick out all the gunk before I used it. Honestly, I never did notice much of a different in slip and feel between silk soap and none silk soap. Lately, I've been adding a bit of kukui nut oil to my soaps after...
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    Bulk Apothecary -

    Thanks, I knew BB carried it. I went looking around BA site and saw they had those other scents and I'm a sucker for anything herb and fruit. It's just that 2 ounce samples are pricey for me on an unknown scent now that I scaled back soaping for family and friends. That's why I was hoping...
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    Bulk Apothecary -

    In my search for a "younger" floral, one of my sons fiancee asked about Daisy Chain. This lead to Bulk Apothecary. I'm stepping out of my comfort zone here; never ordered from them before. Could you give me an opinion on the following fragrances? Daisy Balsamic greens & grapefruit Peach...
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    Let's talk about lard, baby

    I'm another fan of lard. I've been using lard in my soap for around 20 years. Currently, my recipe is 60% lard, 20% olive oil, 10% coconut oil and 10% castor. I can't smell the lard in my soaps and I haven't had customers, when I sold, nor family complain of a "piggy" smell. I OHP and keep...
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    Fragrance Recommendations for 20s/30s Females

    Thanks for your help. I'll check out Lovespell and Black Raspberry Vanilla. I'll check with the girls about the dupes you mentioned. On another note: yes, I'm a member of the Dish forum also. I stumbled across you all when I was searching for a lemon basil scent. I did formulate an...
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    Fragrance Recommendations for 20s/30s Females

    I'm looking for some floral, floral/fruity and or tropical type scents for this age group. The family keeps telling me, whatever I have on hand is fine but somehow I don't think rose, peony and lilac is really their thing. I usually buy from BB, MMS and Sweet Cakes but I'm willing to give AHRE...
  9. B

    In search of a lemon basil FO

    I'm looking for a lemon basil FO that's skin safe. I've looked in my usual haunts and all I come up with is citrus basil FO. Doing an internet search yielded zero results. I don't blend because my sinuses are really screwed up. Can anyone here come across a lemon basil FO? Thanks